I only do queued content. Except when stellar masses and deities align and I can run all 10 alts through 4 M+ for the weekly.
I haven’t really done any dungeons, raids nor M+ (neither PVP). Although it seems M+ seems to be the most popular currently & maybe the culprit to condition a mindset to get things done fast, hence why I’ve come across so many topics under WoW forums that players are just rushing through these instances… I may be mistaken & do correct me if I’m wrong?
On the other hand, it could be nice to have something similar (not identical) to torghast that have the potential to drop (limited or specific?) items like in raids or dungeons, that way one can have the option to solo or group up, depending on a personal time each player can dedicate.
Third, as it’s been stated in the previous replies, the complexity of the game can be overwhelming & definitely time consuming!
Bottom-line, it’s what each player/individual feels rewarded for putting time & effort into the game. For me personally, are things/items that can last throughout the game.
Remember when trolls used to at least try to be creative?
I don’t PVE anymore. I used to. Now I just PVP
I don’t do m+ only raid and pvp
Im just here for the trading post goodies each month.
I just do LFR and PvP
I don’t do raiding, M+ or pvp. I do regular dungeons sometimes, but usually only if the quests require it. I do enjoy doing timewalking dungeons though, especially for transmogs/mounts I don’t have yet or to level an alt I don’t feel like taking through regular questing, which is rare. That’s about it.
I maxed out skinning during the first free trial. Made some gold selling those skins. I picked a few herbs but got to the point where you needed to master dragonriding to reach herbs, so that didn’t happen. Didn’t buy and went back to old content.
Running keys is the most elitist thing you can do in this game. Raids are more collaborative instead of just having Bear, Spreist, Evoker, Paladin, and Fire Mage in a party because that’s mEtA.
not sure what you’re talking about. i run keys all the time with non-meta comps. i think i ran 2 keys all week on this character, and that was only because friends asked me to bring it instead of my rogue so i could help with afflicted dispels.
i focus on m+ and i try to raid as little as possible. i generally just gear up in m+, then run normal/heroic with friends for trinkets since all the good ones are in raid. this is a big change from BFA and prior, where i only cared about raiding and tried to avoid m+ at all costs. it’s not the gear, my interests have just changed over the years.
This is the first expansion I haven’t raided since the game started. It’s not because I don’t like raiding, it’s because we can’t keep a regular group together for normal and heroic level raiding. A few members of my guild are running with a west coast team that runs too late on a weeknight for me. We just do M+ now at our usual weekend time. 2 hours Sat, 2 hours Sun.
I raided in BFA it was ok, but i had to keep a schedule… then i went into M+ , then in SL found this guild and they where asking me to raid all the time so i went with them once, a piece of good loot dropped for me and all these people where freaking out asking me for it even tho it was a big upgrade me for me so i havent raided ever since
Yeah, who has time for that nonsense? When we raided we just got what loot we got or if we didn’t want it we put " /roll for…" In chat.
Well yea its kinda like when your a kid in kindergarten and someone gave you candy and all the other kids are like oh i want it too, lol… i didnt want to play with those people anymore
same. i think it has to do with the fact that i was 441 near max ilvl on week 4 of the patch release, (because of m+ which i felt forced to do and hate, just so i can stay on top of my character and not lose my raid spot.) about 1-2 weeks later we finally killed our 1st mythic boss.
#give mythic plus their own gearing path
#make raiding feel worthed again
Same. Almost nobody in our regular m+ group are meta. We usually run with one of two rosters:
- Main night is: Pally Tank, WW Monk, 2 Elemental Shamans, MW Monk or Holy Priest Healer, depending on who can make it (this is actually pretty great for Afflicted weeks)
or - Alt night is: Demon Hunter Tank (occasionally Bear tank), Evoker or Holy Priest heals, Arcane Mage, Elemental Shaman, and one of a couple different alts, including Warlock, Rogue, Monk.
M+ only, bounce around toons. Hit 2500 on warrior, 2k on dk, and like 1.6 on rogue and mistweaver. Am taking a break though.
Rogue invites have dried up for utility or form classes, and healing isn’t fun this season.
I also attest the dungeon pool.
Raiding is too long and consistent of a commitment for me to make. I have a 50+ hour a week work life when you include the boards I’m on for extracurricular stuff.
Pvp feels very lack luster without communication and a consistent group. The time commitment is just too high to get a stable thing going for me and my friends/family.
M+ is a quick jump in and progress my character. I love it.
You have to go to the actual dungeon entrance on the map when you are not queuing (dungeons show up as blue circles on the map, raids are green circles, mousing over it gives you the dungeon or raid name), then right click your player portrait and set dungeon difficulty to mythic. Then enter the dungeon.
Viola, a mythic.
I play wow for the raiding content. Everything else is a mini game that I either completely ignore (pvp) or do only to get gear for raid (m+.)