Who else loves playin' a Goblin (or two)?

Since the introduction of Goblins to WoW, I’d disliked them and, thus, refused to play one. With time, age, wisdom, etc., I’ve come to grow fond of them and, now, want to play several at once. In particular, the female’s dance, rogue stealth animation and voice emotes–especially /goodbye (involving the word “Cataclysm”)–leave me in stitches.

If you have love for the Goblin race, tell us which classes you love playing as a Goblin and why. Me? I’m fond of rogue and hunter, though I also have a shaman and am considering a warlock.


I loved being a Goblin Warlock and I also had a Goblin Deathknight. I think they are really fun and if I ever go back to Horde I will play another one.

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I like my goblin shaman, she’s fun. I particularly like her dance and am eager to unlock their heritage armor

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Goblin priest and hunter here! Besides the wisecracks and size, I absolutely love the rocket jump on them. The sneak animations are epic.


the female’s dance,

Most races don’t have emotes as good as this one.

I love everything about goblins. Their personality, tech appearance. Favorite race by a longshot.


^ _ ^

I do!



I have a couple of them -they meet the maximum height threshold for enjoyment.



I have a goblin warlock and can’t see myself playing a warlock of any other race because her sassy personality just fits so well. (Unless they give us eredar).


I will be leveling a goblin warlock come shadowlands. They are quite fun.




horde didnt feel right before goblins


Did you delete them? Oh, the horror… (I kid, I kid… No actual judgment from me. But starting/ playing another one seems totally sensible to me. :grin:)

Your post is making me want to return to my Goblin shaman, who sits at lvl 22. Those whacky/ wonky totems are calling me back…

My husband only plays the Priest class in this game; I’m trying to convince him to make a Goblin priest, if only to play through the Goblin starting area. Those quests are some of the funniest, IMO.

How did I forget about Rocket Jump? :woman_facepalming:

tried playing a goblin shaman back in cata/mop…didnt end well, he got converted to an orc.

I deleted my goblin when they got their new models
They look disgusting now. And not in the way a goblin should

A lot likes but very few goblins.

Goblins are built to blast.

I still have kezan burned into my mind. Throw it on the ground. Kaza cola. That bank heist mini game. Thrall getting 1v1ed by gallywix. Arson fraud for insurance $$.

Yall some fake azz goblins


Kezan is the best. I only have played through it twice, but my second time was recently. While questing there, I told my husband, “This place never gets old. It’s as funny as I recall it being the first time.” The quest sound effects–like those in the bank-heist mini-game and when driving that insane car–are fantastic. (I just heard “fantastic” in a female Goblin’s voice/ accent. Oy.)

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I have 2 capped Goblins a Priest and a Shaman.

The only thing I don’t like about Goblins is that awful east coast/New York voice acting. It’s just grating to my ears.

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Goblins unironically have the best racials in the game. My priest, lock, and mage are goblin.


Lemme guess: it’s the finger wiggle they do that makes you really appreciate the Goblin as a spellcaster? :grin:

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A goblin love thread. Love it love it love it!
takes selfie