Who else is still running mission tables?

Mission table junkie here - anyone else out there still running mission tables? Which ones are you running and what motivates you to do so?

I do BfA and Shadowlands mission tables daily on seven characters each for a steady supply of pet charms. The pet charm missions on BfA tables are so sporadic that my war resources will probably last 2 or 3 more years at least. I calculated I should be able to run Shadowlands tables for at least another year based on current anima levels, though if I start doing the anima missions again I could run them indefinitely. I sure wish there were a way to deposit anima without going back to the SL zones!


I still use the SL for collecting Polished Pet Charm as a back up & from BFA aslo, occasionally those rare Timewarped Badge missions from BFA. WoD sometimes too.


You couldn’t pay me enough money to ever touch the mission tables.

I have never engaged with this “content” and never will.

Glad it’s gone.


I want Blizzard to take mission tables further and incorporate my followers into upgradable AI teammates for solo dungeons and raids.


I run the garrison ones in draenor obsessively. I just like leveling up my guys. :slight_smile: I’m rather new still so I didn’t know the others even existed. So now I have something else to unlock! Even though I’ve experienced a lot of bugs, this game has a LOT of content to explore. I’m almost overwhelmed by how much there is to do. Haha.


I’m not running the mission tables, but I still recruit the garrison followers from the inn almost every week. There’s got to be an end to the recruits, eventually.


I always thought that was the next steps, solo play as little small teams of players you can recruit from around the world. But they backed off.


I do the Legion one, for rep. I want that sick turtle tank.


I have scanned through a my alt army a couple of times in DF, but it just takes too much time to switch characters to check for the few rare missions I’m interested in. ( It ends up being close to an hour of clicking just to check everything )

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By any chance, are you using the WoW app? It’s very convenient, without having your chars traveling to the table.


Yup. App is too slow.

I frequently do the missions for pet charms or holiday items when I’m grinding for something and all my Alts have a garrison when leveling and when I was leveling all the older professions.

I stop periodically and then I’m back to checking daily.

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Just FYI, the last patch drastically improved the speed of the app, so it’s much faster now.


Good point, the latest has been much faster from its previous version

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I still run WoD through SL tables, but I only bother with my main character.

SL table is basically free money since the anima is infinite in practice, and then can be turned into a few auctionable cosmetics, plus pet charms.

BfA table kinda sucks at this point except for the roughly once a week pet charm mission.

Legion is worth if you just do the main Broken Isles rep tokens, and then collect emmissary chaches onces you have 4-5 up. It’s nearly self sustaining, but if you just hit 1-2 big resource world quests when you do your collection laps it’s fine. I also restock on the rep pets to resell, so I hit multiple tasks at a time like this. Old pet charms are also worth.

WoD is getting less, and less worth it as time goes on. Sumptuous Fur is basically the only thing worth amassing resources to buy/sell, and that’s been kinda meh since the AH merge. Still nearly free since 95% of the effort is done on my phone when I’m just trying to fill my time anyways, but yeah.

There is! I hit the end of them around the first tier of Shadowlands, or so. I didn’t do it 100% every week since WoD, but I would estimate maybe 60-70% rate of me doing it each week.


I only run the legion ones for xp while leveling and to get the class title. I just made a new archmage and I was stuck dealing with tables for a few days. I’d prefer to just not do them at all (I don’t like the hurry up and wait approach) but unless they fix the class halls I’m gonna need to do them for all my new alts around level 45 or so.

This game has yet to hook me with any mini-game, ever. I’m usually worse at a mini game than I am at the normal game and I’m not that great at the regular game to begin with. Tables are probably the easiest thing but I hate feeling like I need to log in to set them, then I might as well log out until they complete. It encourages me to both log in when I otherwise wouldn’t and log out immediately because I can’t stand the waiting.

For some reason some people like them though. I probably wouldn’t mind them so much if they completed in minutes instead of hours. If they completed in a few minutes but then had a cooldown before you could run them again I think I’d prefer that. Maybe, hard to say.

I do when I’m leveling in Legion or want to finish the class order halls.

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Thought about parking an alt at a SL table for pet charms… Haven’t done it though.

bro, sign me RIGHT UP for the xcomification of wow pls


Not since they took out the gold rewards with the DF prepatch.