Who else is still running mission tables?

lol “still”

I still do a few from SL occasionally when the augment rune rewards pop up.

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PTSD flashbacks intensify about GC Squadron AI in FF14

I do one on Legion on two of my toons. Hoping I can eventually spend all of my resources but it will probably take me a decade.

I’m not. It’d be less painful and more effective to buy a hairshirt and cat o’ nine tails if I want repent for my sins.

I still farm the SL tables on about 10 alts for the charms and the weekly gold from the 1k anima turn in. Often takes more than a week to complete but I put minimal time in them, but the gold adds up over time and helps towards tokens.

I wish we had one for this xpac :pensive:

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I feel dumb - the SL mission tables literally vanished for my characters. How are people still doing them? Lower-level characters? I definitely miss the passive collecting of pet charms.

I max out one mission table per xpac (Legion and beyond) and only for achievements, pet charms, mounts, and maybe rep tokens. The rep tokens for alts did help me buy some recipes on my crafting alts. It took way too long to get SL mission table followers to 60.

You can access them on the wow companion app.

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I was talking about this with a friend, and I think it’s something they should do. They should take the NPCs and use the AI that already exists for Comp stomp, and make them into AI companions you can take into dungeons and raids on a special difficulty ranking.

I would also like to see these AI companions with a friend bar like certain NPCs have, the Halfhill NPCs in particular. You could do dungeons they like, take them to places they like, give them gifts, and slowly they open up to you more about who they are, what motivates them, what they think about their current situation, and etc., it would be a great roleplaying experience.

With, funnily enough, AI generated text, I think Blizzard could have these characters written sufficiently well with an AI chatbot to cut down on overhead.

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I never activated the mission tables in Shallowlands.

I stopped those after Warlords of Draenor.

WoD was the champion of mission tables.

I did once then I stopped. The rewards were so weak.

“Here… have 5 anima.”

Pass. I’ll just wait until they kill off Arthas and I’ll take my cut from the 35.

I would still run the Shadowlands mission tables if they offered the same amount of gold like they used to.

I bet they’ll do this whenever they eventually wind WoW development down and go into maintenance mode. Depending on how they implemented something like this it could be fun.

Or better yet, let my alts play as AI and I can gear 5 toons at once.

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Do mission tables even run out?

What if you did so many? Either they would stop or would repeat?

I would if I could send missions from my phone with the addon that shows success percentages.

Yes, I still run mission tables. When my eyelids get heavy and I start to drift off to la la land I leave the current expansion and jump into previous expansions just to stay awake. Yawn. Is it time for my siesta?