Who else is part of the never upgrade gear squad?

mounts and transmogs only. Didn’t come to upgrade gear that will never get used again in 90 days


raises hand

The only upgrading I did was to make sure my blue and purple items were up to date with the gear that was dropping. Now that I am 70, I have no plans to upgrade past 346.


I am in this club… My experience in DF has gotten me over the flight stones upgrade treadmill, likely for good.

For me, it is one thing to upgrade for a newer cooler item, but the new school way of getting a higher I level on the same exact items is so uninspired, I just do not care even a little bit.

I am so far. Upgrades are honestly not necessary unless you just want to see big numbers and treat the Remix as if it’s retail where you one-shot everything while ignoring mechanics.

The cape still carries a lot of power, and even without any upgrades at all, my tank toons are nearing 1.5m HP. This has been more than enough to tank anything on normal while properly executing the fights. I wouldn’t be surprised if they can survive in Heroic raids as well, though I won’t be testing that til prob tonight or tomorrow with guildies.

There’s also still 80+ days left in the Remix, so it’s not like we’re in a rush.

I don’t have a full set of blue and purple on either of the characters I made yet so there isn’t a reason for me to do it. I will definitely prioritize getting the mounts I don’t have already though since Pandaren mounts are particularly awful to farm.

Not for the price it’s at, no way in hell.

I don’t have to time to no life my gear to max ilvl and grind more bronze to then unlock items I want.

So I’ll get a bit of bronze and unlock a couple items I want.


I’m not. I don’t see the point in upgrading gear that’s going to be wiped in less than 90 days.


There’s pretty much no reason to. You can clear Heroic with just a full set of 346 as long as your group isnt a bunch of mouthbreathers.

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Maybe in 2-3 weeks I’ll upgrade. Holding out for costs to reduce and designers to figure out wtf they want the progression path to be.


Already bought all the mounts I was missing. Nothing else I really wanted. So upgrading my main timewalker so be able to solo things faster down the road. Have a bunch of alt timewalkers I am leveling for side bronze junk like appearances I could care less about getting.

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I did a little while levelling up and it was cheap. Definitely stopped once the price increased and won’t make that mistake again on the alt, I am slowly attempting to level up due to the landfill bug.

EDIT: 5/31 I’ve swapped to upgrading and it has made a massive difference. The amount of bronze is amazing and I will be able to max out the rest of my collectibles in no time.


I figure if I spend the time upgrading and maxxing out stats, it’ll pay off later with extremely increased farming speeds


raises hand

Count me as a member of the squad. I see absolutely no reason to spend bronze on gear that is going to go up in a puff of smoke in a few months when I could spend bronze on mounts and transmog that will stick with me for the life of my account. Spent my 40K bronze getting a Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent and am 2k bronze away from getting the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent. =)


same. i’m just getting mounts. now i can also spam run an alt to 70 for that sweet 40k bronze for more mounts. prob fastest farm.


I upgraded a 150 something pair of pants that had perfect stats.

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this is just false. corrupted dissonance on last boss HoF does 1.3m damage if you get targeted by a bolt before the dissonance ruptures. several other unavoidable mechanics in the more difficult raids 1 shot too. you can still clear it if you have no-lifers/froggers in your group though

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I’m just after mounts and finishing off Mists transmog sets the RNG Gods have been denying me up until now.

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I’ve found it much better to simply split the gains in half.
Half to upgrading, half to buying stuff.
I’ve already got all the 2.2k and 4.4k mounts, will be finishing the 6.6k ones soon.

The updated gear does make a significant difference in performance that might be translated into more optimal bronze gains (better bronze/hour ration for your playtime).

Meanwhile, since they recently unlocked jewelry for alts, leveling a single alt to 15-17 takes a little under than 45 mins doing 2 scenarios/dungeons, net me 4.5-6k bronze on that alt, AND gives me the promised power trip of the event.

Too bad it does not last for long, but it’s cool that we can feel powerful without having farmed anything at all.

I upgraded from 360 to 374 on important pieces (weapon, chest, purples) but other than that, Im waiting. Prices will drop because of all the screeching going on due to frogging, so might as well get the mounts and save for when I have 20 bones

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