Who else is part of the never upgrade gear squad?

Yeah, I won’t be spending bronze on gear. It’s really unfortunate that the cosmetic currency is the same as the upgrade currency. Just means I won’t participate in upgrading gear.

I feel bad for newer players that will spend bronze on upgrades and not realize that they’re throwing it in the garbage.

Also, holy crap the upgrades are expensive.


Won’t be upgrading my gear at all unless it’s super cheap. Too many cosmetics that I need and it’s not like the group finder won’t accept me

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I have spent this first week upgrading my gear instead of buying mounts and tmog. I’m at the 500ilvl track, upgrading to 514. Reason being, I only want 2 mounts from the vendor, Sha of anger mount + MSV astral serpent. It’s been a lot of fun basically being a time saver for people in LFR and other types of content and seeing as out of all the bronze i’ve gotten, I only need 40k which is one set up gear upgrades, I will have it by the end of this coming week.
I don’t disagree with no upgrading at all, especially if there is a lot you want to acquire.
Personally don’t really mind not having the gear once it’s all over, I probably won’t be playing much TWW, I’m just having fun in the now and trying to help people out.


Not necessarily ‘never,’ but still not at current prices, even with the 40k bronze bump.


Yeah no shot, post the next run LOL

MY HOMIES! <3 #getmountsallday

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No plans to do so currently. If I get everything I want first, I may consider it… but I want a lot of stuff :joy:


Same. I’m only here for my class sets and maybe some mounts and leveling alts. Idk why ppl are so pressed min/maxing in a temporary mode :sob:


I’m just here for the cosmetics - so nope, not as long as the upgrade costs are absurd and share currency with the cosmetics.

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Upgraded gear to 360. No further.
What a total waste of time.

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Not wasting a single bronze on upgrading gear, for raids I won’t do and gear that won’t matter once TWW hits. I need every bronze I can get for the mounts and mogs. I’m also going to level multiple alts, so I should at least be able to get all the mounts I don’t already have, and then I’ll focus on any transmog I want after that. If, at the end I didn’t get it all, not the end of the world. I loved MoP and still love it, so playing it again with neat powers at what feels like a super pace, especially with alts, for rewards I know I’ll love, I’m good doing no more.

waves //

I upgraded to 360 in the hopes that that would cause higher ilvl gear to drop but since it didn’t, sitting at 360. Now, I only upgrade blues or purples I get to replace greens since they get the discount.

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I tank, so I like upgrading to a degree. It helps to get in a group if I post my iLvl but waiting until the price drops seems like a safe bet. With 360 blues I am stomping normal dungeons and scenarios solo

i’m in it for the vanity items and maybe the FoS achivs. I have not touched my gear yet- had to lock down all the mog and mounts first. personally i think upgrading gear in remix is a dumb feature and a waste of time and bronze.
i will probably just sit on what i have left and wait for them to come to their senses about the gear upgrade costs- then maybe i will try for some heroic achievements. if not, i will just buy a few of the retail mog sets with whatever bronze i have left and call it good. its been a bit of a mess and i’m eager to be done.

I spent the 80K on my two Runners on mounts.

And I’d do it again.

I only to gear upgrades as I want that mythic title. Transmogs is uber easy to farm when you one shot everything

Anyone done the math yet to figure out the average bronze income and time spent to level an alt to 70? This assumes you start with the 100% xp cloak and, for ease of access, assumes mostly landscape content?

And is it better for your time investment to immediately start a new alt instead of finishing off quests/achievements (since you’ll of course reach 70 much sooner)?

How many alts would it take to get all 1.6mil rewards, and how many hours required? How viable is it to actually unlock everything assuming you don’t have any of it in retail already?

same raises hand im just collecting the appearances and dusting them for bronze and the tiny amount ig et from it while saving as much bronze as possible to buy things i dont have for the 2nd time because regional differences and no carry overs >.>.

at least if i play remix on NA i wont have to buy as much as i have majority of it since i played mists of trash pandaland when it was current.

Me, I won’t spend a single bronze on upgrades until it’s nerfed majorly, and if that never happens I’ll just dump all my bronze into mounts and transmog on the last day of the event. I am not going to be the one who ends up blowing 250k bronze and then wakes up the next morning to a 50% cost nerf

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