Who else is irritated thats in 2019 and we still dont have flying yet?

Remember High Mountain? I avoided it on my alts until we had flying. Zero Motivation to trudge that nightmare.


I am totally ticked right off about no flying. Ion is wayyyy out of his league being a loldeveloper.
Pathfinder sucks big monstrous black b a l l s . :8ball::nose:t6::8ball:

REMOVE IT!! And give us back purchasing flight at max lv.

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At this point they should just make Pathfinder one part and call the rest having been time gated. I’m sooooo tired of these stairs.


I get why their hesitant to add flying, but after you finish the zones story you really shouldn’t keep them from it. The benefits from not having flying, better zone design, winds up meaning little when the only reason someones in the zone is to do the world quest for the 200th time or go trying to mine/dig/gather herbs.


I have few tokens and couple of 2 months time cards which I will use but if this nuisance about flying delays and merging classes continues, that’ll be it for me and they can develop their game "improvements’ for someone else.

Can’t mount if you’re in combat there.And flying away is way easier to get away from attackers,since they CAN’T attack in flight,YET if they are ground mounted they can catch up or have others waiting and daze/stun etc to knock them off the mount.So yes,it does have a big effect on getting away.

In TWO days you can start on earning your wings. QQ

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Another reason for keeping flying is a lot of people have jobs,have kids,there are players in the military,etc etc…We have very limited play time some days,and having to hoof it or be on a slow a** auto taxi cuts into us being able to actually play when we can.So far they’ve dumbed the game down so much for these participation trophy kids,taking more and more out of the game to the point it’s almost nowhere near the same game from even 2-3 expacs ago.If I have 2-6 h2ours of play time,I want it to be playing,or spent in dungeon/raids whatever NOT slow traveling around trying to get to them.I hear it many many times in game,“sorry guys have to get kids in bed/feed them/have to go to work,took to long,off have to hit patrol” etc.Then crews are short on bodies so it ruins the dungeon/raid run whatever it is for everyone.


They’ll either rez as far away as possible and run until they can whistle/hearth in peace or they’re going to just afk while dead until people get bored of camping them. So no, it doesn’t have that big of an impact on getting away.

Yeah, I honestly saw this at the top of the postings and immediately thought “8.2 is out on Tuesday and then we can earn flying again, what more can they want?”


Yes,because that’s what everyone wants to do is afk in a game and get to do nothing until the retards leave.Not to mention the “GET GUD SCRUB” skilled (I use that word VERY sarcastically) pvp’ers usually stay in low level places killing low level players and act like they’re actual pvp’ers and the best in the game.Hard for them to run away on a level 20 mount when the “best” pvp’ers at max level on master riding can overtake you riding away lol.

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Well,to answer your question,they want what was paid for and earned numerous times already,just to be taken away from them and forced to be paid for or earned once more.Instead of forcing people to walk around “enjoying.” the content (which I use the word content very very loosely,because the “content” is barely that) THEN giving an option that takes some forever to finish (you know,because some of us have kids,family,jobs,deployed,IE a d*mn real life) and w2ould rather use this “game” as they are intended,a way to escape real life for a little bit and relax.When the game becomes more of a chore or a job,it begins to not be worth paying for anymore,when so many other games are out there that are not chores and actually relaxing and enjoyable to play.Not all of us can sit in mom’s basement and play all day long and get everything in the game done in a week or 2,because as stated above,we have actual lives first.

It is strange that WoD has flying gated still.

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