Who else can't keep quiet during a movie?

Now I know the weirdoes talking in theatres [pre covid]

I actually am pretty quiet during a movie and dislike when people can’t stop yapping during it lol

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I would agree with the above poster that your just a jerk. Regardless of life experiences or your own personal preferences, you can still respect other people. You have 24 hours in a day to have your conversations. If you can’t shut up for 2 hours to let someone else enjoy a movie then your a jerk. Plain and simple.

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In the 1st world, this is one of the heights of inconsideration. This comes across as super self centered.

People go to cinemas to… pay money, to watch the movie. They don’t pay to listen to people gasbag while the thing they want to watch is being played.

If you wanna talk over the top of stuff and not pay attention, do it at home over Netflix.

Don’t ruin other people’s experiences, close your mouth or gtfo the cinema, ezpz.


Sounds like a job for Phil Swift and the Flex Seal family of products.

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We used to go to a low end movie theater which was known for its patrons talking/commenting during the movie. It was hilarious and everyone in the theater had a good time. Sadly, the cOrOnaZ killed it.

My kids. They can’t stop babbling during anything, even when it is something they picked to watch.

I wonder if they will take that into account if I ever strangle them.

If you’d actually read what I stated many times above, I went and made this thread and did in fact “shut up” as it were, so NO U. But if you think I’m a jerk, you go ahead and think that. I think the internet is full of jerks, so there. I didn’t ruin anyone’s movie, I just put it out there that I prefer to comment on movies and if that wasn’t acceptable then it was probably better I just do something else. It’s called being polite sir or madam.

Also I used to run with a group of people (from the MST3K era all of us) that commented on every movie we watched together nonstop, and we all liked it that way. Don’t pretend this is something only a pariah would enjoy, come off it. Probably one of my favorite movies ever is Labyrinth just because I had the pleasure to watch it with some very funny guys who made great comments. It was like being in an episode of Mystery Science Theatre, it’s improv really and we were on fire for some reason.

So there’s two types of people here apparently, those that can’t stand it and those who consider it to only add to the experience. I can’t really think of anything I’d watch that I wouldn’t mind other people talking over, but that could be because I haven’t seen anything I liked that I haven’t watched a million times over decades so it’s all one way or another been reduced to background noise.

Oh, and I just want to say I absolutely love it when strangers go out of their way to try to make me feel bad, especially when they didn’t even read what actually happened. Yes, it’s your job to read it all if you’re going to make that kind of comment, it’s called being thorough and not looking like a you know what. Much love to you too.

I wish no one here ill and I think you’re all great people I’ve never met and never will.

I used to throw popcorn at people like that.

At what point in the conversation did I ever say I even went to theatres? Do you really think a guy like me, who basically is saying he hates watching everything, would PAY FREAKIN MONEY LOLOLOLOL. TO GO INTO PUBLIC AS WELL? SiR I wouldn’t WORK in a movie theatre.

This was a family setting, and as I’ve said numerous times they wanted me to watch a movie, I expressed the ways I like to watch them, they let me go to make this thread instead. No problems, nothing but love and consideration.

People are making me this villain and I’m honestly starting to find it hilarious. Modern life is absurd, change my mind.

I like to announce my predictions of how the scenario/plot line is going to go…and then exclaim “NAILED IT” when my predictions are right. :smiley:


Last time I was in a movie theatre was (I think) Star Wars episode 8. I arrived pissed drunk and proceeded to pass out and miss most of the movie. What I get for staying in town and walking there. So then I went to see it again the next week thinking I’d missed something, with a bit less booze and . . . still fell asleep. It was then I realized I was just incapable to getting into the franchise anymore.

I never did try to watch episode 9 nor the various series’, I may be permanently SW fatigued, no matter how much 4,5,6 influenced me growing up.

Oh and lest ye protest the villain was quiet for that one.

The last movie I saw in theaters was Detective Pikachu. I went on a weekday in the morning, because I knew that kids would be in school and I’d have to deal with little to no crowds.

My theater was one of the main, BIG theaters with the most seats and I sat in the “ideal” middle spot. No one else was in the theater until a couple walked in and plopped down in front of me. Not only were they obnoxiously cutesy and loud but they smacked their lips every time they ate a snack. I moved. I cannot stand people, let alone people who are near me.

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I do usually feel compelled to say something, when I see nonsense in a movie…
the ole screen door on a submarine trick, when it’s obvious the writers had no clue of the subject matter.

It’s like watching Ancient Aliens… yes, aliens travelled across galaxies, technology we can’t imagine yet… and they needed pyramids for navigational markers… yes, I will comment.

you should try it, the results might surprise you.

That sir is pretty much why I stopped going to theatres. I think the last thing I was so eager to see that it couldn’t wait for blu ray was SW episode 7 (Before The Disillusionment), which was a fun enough experience despite it having virtually no replay value so I guess I’d have spent about as much time and money either way.

Why not cut out the crowd though I always say. I order literally everything including food online for the same reason.

I don’t mind a theater experience, minus the people. Even before the time of Covid, I just did not like being packed in a large room, literally elbow to elbow with strangers feet right behind me and their heads right in front of me. But seeing stuff on the big screen is nice.

Coming out of a theater in the morning and expecting it to be dark out when it’s blinding light outside, though… woof


I sit quietly and watch. I don’t mind a comment now and then but I dislike when someone just talks. My oldest daughter is horrible about it. We’ll be watching a movie and out of nowhere she’s like “OH did I tell you Lacy is pregnant? OMG I’m so excited! She”

SHHHHHH! Child. I will call CPS on myself if you don’t be quiet.

So much snark, so little substance. 33k posts just to professionally walk into random threads and act superior on the wow forums. Stay classy. Oh wait that mog . . .

hey man, I’m not the one airing the details of my personal issues on a video game forum.

one of us has some class, and it’s not you.

on topic though - I agree with you that going to theaters is not worth the price. I’m glad to see that a guy who is so self important he can’t be quiet and let those around him enjoy the movie has enough self reflection to not go ruin stranger’s movies.

yall got baited hard yo.