Who else can't keep quiet during a movie?

How do you make a pirate furious?
Take away the P.


that one deserves more than one heart

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When did I ever say I did this to people against their will? I won’t say I’ve never just talked in front of friends but that was mostly when I was younger, anymore I’m pretty forthright about it up front, believe it or not I understand that a lot of other people don’t like it or appreciate it.

Now If you’re saying I’m a villain for not sitting there and watching it silently, well, I guess feigning sleep is always an option.

I mean please point to an example of where I said I ruined movies for strangers or friends, I’ll wait. Once or twice 20+ years ago maybe, but recently no.

I’ve literally never talked in a movie theatre. I am far too socially anxious to draw attention to myself like that. I can’t even walk into a theatre sober, let alone make myself a center of attention.

God I miss the old days when groups of us would be making fun of a movie though, it just isn’t the same when you’re the only one doing it (and apparently it pisses people off so hard they will literally kill you). The more you know.

Well I guess this thread is done so I’ll just close with this. I am infinitely glad that I have a family IRL who loves me for who I am and doesn’t judge me anywhere near as harsh as some of you have. I don’t know what I expected this to be but “lighthearted” was a fair amount of the original intention. I’ll go back to making pointless joke comments in threads I have no business in now.