Who else can't keep quiet during a movie?

Looks like someone isn’t getting the attention they wanted from this Troll post.

Oh no, the boomers are getting uppity again.

Oh so now you’re an expert on forum psychology? This was all done in good fun, and if no one had replied I’d probably have been as good or better. I just wanted to bring up a silly topic and talk about it, but I won’t tolerate people who come at me just for being a little different. That guy I ignored, he’s effed me off on like 4 different characters, proving it ain’t about me it’s about him, HE is a pro troll, doesn’t matter who it is he’s finding a way to troll. I don’t ignore easily or lightly, but when someone can’t bring meat to any conversation, that’s it for me. This guy just starts garbage and can’t back up a word he says with anything. Probably such a misanthrope he makes me look like Mother Theresa.

You sound so sad…didn’t you get enough mommy time?

I used to be like this when I was younger, husband asked me to stop though cause he wants to focus and what not. We came to the middle ground of me reflecting excitement or being antsy with arm tugs and grips. It has been workin’ great.

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What’s worse talking or falling asleep.

Sometimes I’ll nod off during a film and my husband wakes me up to tell me I fell asleep.

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If you must know I was ostracized by my peers since pre-school and had parents who were emotionally aloof, were quick to scold if I complained about literally anything, and would tell me every time I had a serious problem at school or with anything that “we don’t know what to tell you.”

The unspoken half was “We’re sorry but life sucks, so sorry you just found out. Why can’t you just bend over and take it like everyone else?”

I appreciate you trying to troll me though. I’ve been on disability for 12 years for depression and anxiety, but I’m changing and getting back out there so I can meet the needs of my new family. I want to work and be productive for once in my life.

Some days I feel like I can do it, other days I feel like everything that happened to me in the first 40 years of my existence is still happening all at once and I’m smothered.

But I gotta be the guy my wife married, so I’ll just keep at it until something works. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll even be more than 10% happy.

You have a nice life now.

I’m with you. MST3k style commentary all the way (not at the theater though).

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Not everyone watching something quietly has their brain switched off. Some people don’t have to speak aloud to engage with something and can develop evolving thoughts in their minds. Lots of people like to watch a movie and then discuss the ideas and feelings it provoked after it is over.


I’ve been disabled for 23 years so please don’t use that card! Lets see…I was raped by my brother at age 6…but I don’t come on GC looking for sympathy. You should attempt to try to do the same…you’re getting no tears from me. Grow UP!
Only 40 years old…add another 20 years & then we can talk!

Just means you aren’t getting invested enough.

If you’re bored you’ll yak and the non-bored folks are gonna be unhappy.

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Eff off I’m not looking for anything just elucidating on a topic you created, which is what is wrong with me.

This is exactly why I can’t shake misanthropy. Some high and mighty always thinks he knows what I’m about and just knows better. I reject it. This was just a thread I started because I was bored while my family watched a movie and I thought it would be fun, instead it’s degenerated to who has had the worst life.

Stay classy. You seem awfully invested in tearing me down and I’m at a total loss as to why. “Stare at me with empty eyes and point your words at me; Mirror on the wall will show you what you’re scared to see.” I’d tell you to get wrecked, but, uh, looks like that’s already happened some years ago.

Feelings hurt again with the truth, You really need to grow up & quit crying about everything!

I do not make sound at the theater. It ruins the experience for others.

If I’m at home or online watching a movie with friends? Kinda depends.

If it’s an actual big name movie that we wanted to watch because it’s probably going to be good – comments will be made, but it’ll be kept fairly short and ends up being mostly just simple reactions to things – we can talk about things more after it’s over.

If it’s some random B movie (or worse) that we’re watching just to have something to watch (or because someone has exceptionally bad taste), at least a few of us will probably be cracking jokes and riffing off each other through most of it. Because at that point it’s less about the movie and more about the interaction with friends.


You’re the person that created this topic, not me!

You’re telling a middle aged man to “grow up.” OH SHIZZ YOU MEAN IT’S JUST THAT EASY?Even if I could, I probably technically can’t, so you’re just trolling. You don’t know me at all.

/ignored you bring zero of substance and only seek to make me feel bad for no articulated reason but I’m not hearing it. Wilt in ignominy you pos let our paths never again cross.

My sister can stay quiet in a movie theater but she never shuts up when we watch TV. So, I know she can control the impulse to ruin my enjoyment and does it anyways. She’s not invited over for TV anymore.

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I have a brother in law that I used to take to the movies. :wink:

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me i guess if you consider snacking on things like popcorn which yes makes noise. other then that i mean i simply just can’t stand staying in the middle. at some point i want to get up to take a piss.

ironically when i was younger i was so scared to just do that and i think we were watching some mel gibson movie it was like 3 hours long or something. ended up just taking a piss in my pants on the chair XD. i don’t even think anyone even noticed but yea i walked out with my pants dripping wet and idk. luckily for me though the nearest movie theaters to my house is like a 2 minute drive given the lights are all green. walking distance like 15-20minutes.

I get so annoyed with people talking during movies that I just don’t go to the theaters anymore. I’ll wait for the movie to release on some streaming service or on blu-ray before I consider going to the theaters. There’s plenty of time to discuss the film after it finishes.

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