Who else can't keep quiet during a movie?

No, people who do it should be removed.

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I’m the exact opposite. I MUST hear and understand ever word that is said.
Absolutely cannot stand not understanding or missing possible important information.
Drives me nuts to not understand what’s going on.

i have been to a theater only once since the virus. I used to get annoyed by the 4 videos on theater etiquette. You know the ones where it plays a scene and then a phone interrupts. Or turn off the light on phone. Yes, we apparently need common sense reminders now

If I was talking loud in a theatre I’d be inclined to agree with you. That’s why I always show up at the theatre drunk, so that doesn’t happen lol.

I think it sounds like you have a constant need for attention and when people are focused on something like a movie you internally struggle and try and get them focused on you. This could of course be subconscious.

I would work on it. No one enjoying a movie likes to listen to people blab.


I had a person remove their shoes at a movie theatre and put their feet up on the back of an empty chair nearby

Could smell the disgustingness without even being near

I hate people

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Yeah,we almost had a fight one time in the theater my sis just had a surgery and was recovering wanted to see a puppet movie ,This person started to bump her chair causing unneeded pain,we couldn’t move there was no other seats so it came to a point where her husband near whacked the mess out of him. They were removed pretty quick after that.

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I’ll cautiously give you a like in that I can’t necessarily disprove that. I was the oldest of 4, so naturally I got the very least attention (and when I did get it it was usually negative in relation to my younger siblings getting a total pass), there’s probably something to that even though I can just tune out and rummage on the computer instead of joining in on the staring, and everything that way is good and no one’s mad.

That’s terrible.

The last time I went to see a movie in the regular theater ( I have been to some openings that were more-so events since then) was back in 2004. Exorcist : The Beginning, not only was the movie terrible… The entire theater was full of raging teenagers that talked and laughed and fought the whole time.

Never again.

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Yeah the funny part is that if I was watching something that engaged me I probably wouldn’t want talking either. It’s just that not much in the realm of entertainment engages me (jeez I’ve been doing nothing entertaining but this pretty much since 07) and talking over it makes it more fun, for me, unfortunately not for anyone else. So I sit at the comp while they watch and all is well.

I absolutely hate when people do that lol

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You and like 98% of first world people lol.

It’s rare I’ll watch a movie from start to finish now that I have Netflix :laughing: I’ve been watching Silverado off and on all day, only 45 minutes in.

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I hear you. The last time I was in a movie theater was to see the original Jurassic Park. I’ve been gaming for so long sitting passively for entertainment is nearly impossible when a screen is involved. Interestingly, live entertainment doesn’t affect me that way and I can sit through plays, ballet and concerts just fine.

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Word, I feel you on that. I still like live artistic presentations. The canned variety, not so much. Not trying to come off as a hater, there’s a lot out there to like, but live entertainment is a special thing because it hasn’t been edited and post-produced to death, things can happen and if it’s a competent troupe they’ll riff off their foibles and still produce a highly watchable show.


All humans do it in whatever situation triggers it. We need attention, it’s part of being human. It’s weird you said you are the oldest of 4. I am the youngest of 4 and my oldest sister does similar things as you do. It especially bothers at the dinner table when someone else is talking she gradually gets louder to get the center of attention. It’s little things you notice in people especially when you are the youngest sibling in a pretty large family.


It sounds like you have Diarrhea of the mouth (can’t stop nor want’s to shut up)

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My youngest brother is the one I’m closest to as an adult (despite hating each other through elementary and middle school) and I think he would concur with your assessment. I try to do better, I actually get embarrassed if suddenly the situation is all about me.

WoW forums are officially tumblr blogs now.

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What a nothingburger of a reply. Now I remember why I have you on ignore. You are the weakest link. Goodbye!