Who else can't keep quiet during a movie?

So put on your big boy pants and tell your family you would rather not watch a movie, go in the other room and do something else.


Maybe you should watch movies alone then OP.

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Honestly I would stand up and leave if I’m watching a movie and someone need to keep saying everything that’s already happening on the screen every 2min. I’m here to watch a movie and not listen to you talk.

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I watch movies at home with my girlfriend all the time and I’m always genuinely surprised when she tells me to be quiet because she is watching the movie. I never thought people actually watched movies in silence at home. Like there is almost nothing I would rather do than sit there in my own home watching a movie in complete silence for 2 and a half hours.

Like silence is fine at a theater where there is a social contract and a whole theater experience, but in my own house? Nah, not for me.

That’s such a weird conclusion to jump to. How is he a jerk for commenting on a movie in his own home? I am the same way. I won’t be talking in a theater, but there is nothing I would rather do less than sit in silence for 2 and a half hours in my own home for my own “entertainment”.

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Which of course means you are obviously funnier than your wife will give you credit for. Heh

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This is kind of sad. I agree that it would be hard to be a writer if you can’t identify with others very well. I’m kind of the opposite in that I often find some way to identify with people I really don’t have much at all in common with (beyond being the same species).

Perhaps you should consider making art. This is completely serious. Often you can convey things visually that can’t be said in words. From the little you’ve expressed here, I feel you definitely have something worth expressing to others. It doesn’t matter if you think you don’t have any artistic “skill.” Having something to express is more important. (I’m an artist who paints and draws very realistic works, but I still admire those whose art really captures their thoughts and emotions even if they don’t paint like I do,)

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depends what movie it is really. But I personally also get annoyed w/ people keep talking while I’m trying to watch something movie house or at home.

I think I’d just leave if the person I was with starting randomly talking during the film.
They’d be ruining it for me, and everybody else, which further ruins it for me.
Just dreadful.

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Thank you for this, I realize my last post probably came across as pretty misanthropic. I’m still trying to find my way, recently married so right now it’s all about just making that dollar for the family, but the urge to create has never truly left me. Maybe eventually I’ll find something creative that actually works.

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I once got a couple kicked out of the theater who had a crying baby. Talking is bad, but that was worse.

Why would you bring a crying baby to the theater, then why would you still stay in there when it was crying so loud?

It was funny because it was basically only me and them in the theater. So I went and got the usher/management.

There is something weird about people with crying babies where they think that they listen to it so other people should have to listen to it. If I was on a plane, or something, I’d put in earplugs/wear noise canceling headphones; I can’t really do that and watch a movie.

I have not even gone to a movie in the theater for 15 years or more. No one knows how to act, behaving as though they are at home. People talk, answer their phones, etc. I live alone and just wait until everything is out for home viewing.


Yeah that’s a whole other thing. I was a baby when the very first Star Wars came out in 77 (probably only a few months old) and my parents left me with my grandparents. Proud to say I was in the theatre for Empire (fell asleep right after the AT-ATs) and still remember most of my experience of Jedi in that theatre at 6.

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My wife really enjoys watching movies on TV at home. I, on the other hand, do not. I do not enjoy sitting in front of the TV quietly for two hours.

So we have this really weird arrangement. When she wants to watch a film, I respect her wish to watch it in silence so she can enjoy it. I either watch the film with her or I go and do something else I enjoy.

A radical idea, I know, but it works for us.


That’s basically me too, I just had to explain it to them earlier that basically they had two choices, I could either sit quietly at the computer while they watched whatever, or I’d be compelled to comment repeatedly if I was forced to watch.

They were fine with me sitting at the computer making this silly thread. Then I got called a jerk by some rando like I’m going around shouting in people’s ears against their will or something, smh.

Anytime I watch something with my parents, it’s a “hey what did she play in?” and “oh that’s the guy from uh… x y and z movie.” Lol so you’re fine. If it’s a horror movie, “how come they run and he walks and he catches up to kill em?”


Me too, I am absolutely horrid at names and faces but I’m always like “where did I see this actor/actress before I must know!”

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For the last couple of years i’ve been watching movies with online friends that i can’t see physically irl, so it’s become perfectly natural for us to talk during movies like that

We’ll set up in voice chat on discord and either stream a movie or separately play it at the same time and it’s actually really awkward to sit in voice chat in silence so it makes it much more enjoyable to comment and go “oh no!!” during the movie

Irl no we don’t do that, but online it makes it really nice

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lol see what’s funny is they don’t have internet or anything like that so I go to look it up on my phone and they are like, “no no you’ll ruin it we gotta think on it.”

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I’m attentive when watching a movie ,i don’t talk much I may comment a little but not loudly. Worse movie i ever went to was superman,they three in front were loud ,cursing and chair bumping . I don’t know is this a popular way of viewing a movie in a theater ? or culturally accepted behavior?

It’s most definitely not culturally accepted. That’s kind of why I started this thread. :slight_smile:

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