Who do you PI?

I PI my brother, whatever he’s playing. If he’s not available because he’d rather not Nathria anymore or fell off a cliff, then I prefer to PI a Mage who put their thing on me. They give me crit, feels right to give them haste. If all else fails, whoever is closest to my mouse cursor gets it. Tends to be a Hunter or Druid.

Best thing about Twins is that it lets me PI whoever I feel like and not feel like I’m being asked to give up a cooldown for someone else’s ego.

In M+ since timing is a group effort, it is not an ego thing–at least in that sense. I mean sure, people want the better numbers in front of their friends, but if their friends lack the mental capacity to understand that PI will juice numbers then they ought to find new friends.

This game is ripe with people who forget the game is a group game. If you want to play solo, then you are missing out on Wow is putting on the table. And swallow your ego if the PI is better on someone else so that your group can time the key.

That said, the game is full of people who endlessly talk about their parses and everything associated. People will even quote healer parses which typically depend on things the typical healer cannot control. These include things like HPS for an entire run–but those numbers will be a lot higher if you run with monkeys vs skilled players.

End of rant. In a nutshell, don’t pay any attention to parse monkeys. Do your interrupts, avoid standing in fire, use your defensives, help your healer. And if your healer chooses to PI another and not you, suck it up.

Boomkin, once I see their CDs are ready to go.

MM for AOE.

Mages because they’re just so appreciative. Frost Mages who use Icy Veins during Lust are usually my fav above all else because you can tell they’re legitimately unable to keep with the keyboard smashing… They usually need a cigarette and a cold shower after that.

Highest DPS for the situation, or if one person politely asks for it.

If two of the DPS in your M+ are demanding PI then you give it to the third :stuck_out_tongue: