Who do you PI?

Yup, it’s why I was saying I’m probably deleting it. I’ve had DH friends ask for PI in meta but it just doesn’t seem like it’s even worth.

Yup, this WA is only for M+ though - and in M+ the vast majority of the time you’re PIing on start of a large pack, etc.

But classes that have CDs also benefit indirectly from haste because it speeds up the time when on CD!

haste doesn’t reduce cool downs, your 2 minute cd’s always take 2 min to come back up regardless of haste just stack it when they blow their cd’s.

Disc is far from unfulfilling. I have played holy a ton, pretty much since vanilla, and find it kind of dull, to be honest. If Prayer of Healing had any potency I would play it way more.

And the addon is not to bring attention to myself. It is for the sake of communication in pugs. It also announces the use of other spells–like mass rez. The fact that people are commenting now and critiquing my use of PI is extremely annoying unless it is genuine and not haphazard. I find a lot of the critiquing in Wow to be useless–that is, on a general level (as in from power drunk raid leads that are mentally challenged in some respects). Most shed no light on anything that I have not already considered. I have six or seven level 60 disc priests that I have played a lot. As for which classes benefit, I want to get to the crux of choosing who is best for it–that would up my game.

I have repeatedly read otherwise. One or the other is misinformation. How do you know which is correct? Have you tested your CD times with more haste yourself?

Wow, that is kick-“something.” What is the name of that weakaura!?

Well you could also use for Tyrannical week

place down a barrier and than pi urself see what happens. perhaps haste reduced big cd’s in the past but now it reduces ur gcd. but that is just casting speed /melee attacks.

Okay, fair enough–you make a great case vs things I know little about!!! Lol!

just saying its better to stack it on the cd’s than give them increased speed when they are just doing the baseline rotation. cuz they’ll do only slightly more damage. prime example pi a hunter during mild spirits will do tons more damage than without. since during wild they also pop true shot, and it makes them as strong as possible.

Would you be so kind as to furnish this thread with the name of the Weakaura?! And if you made it, can you possibly share it on Wago so that us lesser humans, trolls, and various other riff-raff can use it?


except that today that wouldn’t work, because the whining if it weren’t a guaranteed drop from easy solo content would be legendary

Huh? I just want heal and serenity to add a bonus shield based on the overhealing amount, because ppl dont even have enough hp for these things to work properly.

Also just give PI to whoever does the most dps and just keep spamming it on them.

I pi druid

Oh, for sure. But I’m currently using Twins and often PI when the healing is looking to be rough. But as the community gears up and I hit 58 Reknown, I will switch out to the Kyrian Leggo and probably have more flexibility for that.

I can’t include links in my posts - but the wago url is u0zYUomeM

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Fantastic! Just loaded it! Thanks.

you can craft the kyrian leggo at 48 not 58 and its a huge boost youll boon more frequently and if you take sanguine vile or w/e it calls you can do some massive packs and pull pally levels of damage

I’ve already crafted it. But at 58 you get access to a conduit that can really shorten the CD.

And I have no idea what “sanguine vile or w/e” is.

its one of the mythic + anima powers, its the red circle

Highest DPS - unless someone does a stupid pull and I need the extra haste to save the day.

Dude, that WA is awesome. Did you make it yourself?