Who do we have to beg for an update

I’m pretty sure there have been years in my life where there was still snow hanging around here in early May.

(Not recently, though.)

When I was younger it used to sleet as early as early September. The latest we had snow as far as I can remember was April. But, around here, it can snow in the morning and be 80 degrees in the evening or the next day.

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ridiculous that the folks on this forum think they will see an alpha before the summer. that will be the only real news you will get.

While you’re asking questions, could you find out if they’re going to splash Classic across the front of the website and all over social media? I’m curious to see how they plan on marketing it compared to whatever new content retail will have.

what is ridiculous is listening to someone like you who knows no more than anybody else.


Here. Scroll down to “Content Release Plan.”

(You could take “These plans are subject to change” as meaning them not being real, but if you’re looking at it that way, there’s absolutely no point to asking any questions of a CM here; anything Bornakk says is going to come with that disclaimer implicitly, if not explicitly.)

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You guys scared him away.
Or maybe he’s gone to ask the Classic devs for the answers to those questions!?


Hopefully he returns tommorrow with some answers.

Not going to lie, that would be awesome. But, I guess I’d have to eat my foot for that previous statement I made about them only giving us those boring generic responses. :stuck_out_tongue:

Does “later this year” still mean Summer?


If you knocked in to the welp cave again, its minus 50dkp!

Are guild banks in?

Has the loot trading debacle been talked about and is there a plan to prevent groups from snatching loot for their pals if it’s full blown loot trading?
Has there been any talk of a modified loot trade with group approval in the rare cases of misclicks? Instead of FFA loot trading.

Will server names and regions be released before launch to give players a chance to group up and populate servers with like minded individuals?

Are we getting Vanilla server caps?

Will the squelch and report system be modified for classic or will it be the same as live?

Ok I’ll stop now. Love when you communicate with us Borny!

One last thing. What do you mean:

You guys already know how she worked. That was the joke with the pserver dude when he asked if they got it right. Lol. I jest.

Edit to add: We know you guys will get the boss mechanics right. Lol

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It’s July 16. Either Beta or Release, but given how they did Cataclysm’s release teaser, it’s most likely the release.


Where did you get that date?

Tea leaves and rolling the bones. Some incense…



Sure, a bit farfetched. But when you know how Cataclysm was teased it seems likely.


I damn well am!

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Thanks for responding, I think most people are just desperate for any Classic info we can get because we havent heard anything since Blizzcon, it feels like there are still a lot unanswered questions people have and we just really want to be able to play official classic vanilla again.

Any word on critical subjects like testing the 1-60 leveling experience, chat report system changes, and if loot will see any changes?

Yeah, dude. We’re looking for a lot of particular things. I am amazed you’re feigning ignorance right now on this topic.

Here’s two big ones that would light the forums on fire and stop these posts for a long time to come:

Is there going to be a beta?
What are the team’s plans for itemization and their thoughts on how it affects raid difficulty in the early phases?

I understand that you want to release information all in one grand update, but damn bro if you would give us just a single inch in this battle, we’d be distracted long enough for you to get the big update out, and then we wouldn’t feel like this is slowly getting more and more hopeless.

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