Final Fantasy has long been terrible for most people that like traditional MMOs; some people like it and that’s okay. If you’re going to play Endwalker, go out and play it - all the power to you.
You do not need to mention it or let people know - no one cares and neither WoW nor its community is accommodating your whims or other games’ release schedules.
It’s been over 15 years - other games have come and gone; nothing noteworthy here once again.
I like the story
The end game is just WoW with better graphics
Weapons grade copium post.
I don’t, but I’m okay with people who do. Odd that so many people who claim they “don’t care” about something need to advertise how much they don’t care by starting threads about that thing.
I just love that the FF14 crowd just has to come here to brag about how great their game is.
That’s not what’s happening in this thread though.
You missed the point…
It’s like how WoW has nothing at all to do with football - would you want threads polluted with Premier League discussion or is it entirely unrelated?
You care enough to make a thread about it. Besides you cant compare the two at all FF and square has always made stories and gameplay 1000 times better than what WoW could ever be.(see ff1-12) We dont talk about 13 though
I would actually prefer if the people who claim to like wow and hate FFXIV would stop jumping up and down and throwing tantrums about it. You supposed supporters keep giving more publicity to Final Fantasy. Kind of like all the Asmongold haters who keep starting threads directing traffic to his youtube channel to prove how much they hate…a streamer they admit they have never watched.
I’d love to see some numbers on this.
The people here posting about that game are a part of this community.
I like 14, or anyway I’d like to like it. I just don’t like it as much as this, and I refuse to pay two different subs as I’d be literally splitting my time between both so getting the full experience from neither.
So, yeah, I do see the point that this is the wow forum and 14 is kind of off topic, but all the hate and bickering don’t fix anything for anyone.
Well no, that’s objective. It is better graphics. What’s subjective is if people like that style. And some don’t. Which is fine.
Which is whether you like it, not whether or not it has better graphics. It does have factually more modern graphics. But WoW has a style that is older (especially in the older areas of the game). The vertices of their models are definitely less.
But I like WoW’s style too, because it’s like cartoon fantasy. Me liking it is subjective though.
OP, why must you Troll the WoW forum like this?
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