Who asked for this? Please an insight on your reward logic

Gotta say, I have asked for rares to be rare again, but at this point those arent rares. Just something like a double elite. Blizz needs to get away from making rares just a more important mob like they are now.

They probably made the decision based on someone’s elitist idea that rares should be rare and value of their drops needs to be much higher and far more exclusive or some such nonsense.

There’s a very good chance that they won’t ever reverse this decision and people who really want to kill Forbidden Reach and Zaralek rares or do Primalist Future WQ will have to just use Discord or something because they won’t ever make any of this stuff remotely soloable.

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This change only means they don’t play their own game. Big L

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Should have all rares be like the ‘mega rares’ that occasionally pop up here and there. Very long respawn timers, up to several days in between spawns, but whatever collectible stuff they drop is guaranteed to drop. So yes, hunting for them will suck, but you’ll only have to kill them once and then you’re done looking for it. Just have every rare spawn work like that. So it’s a commitment to find them most of the time, but you don’t have to keep farming them because the drops won’t be RNG.

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imho, rares should be true to their name and not be on a timer but rather a percent chance to spawn when a mob in the designated area spawn.

but that would be grindy and people would hate it. But it’s the only way “rare spawn” will feel true to it’s name.

The spawn rate doesn’t change.

The issue at hand is.

Should rares stay up indefinitely after they spawn? Or should they despawn after a set amount of time.

I could go either way tbh.

there are plenty of reasons for players to go there. i, and players like myself “consume” the content we are given. we collect pets, toys, mounts, mogs and achievements. these ZC rares drop pets, toys, mounts, mogs and give achievements.

this change has all the signs of something similar to a temper tantrum.


What would even be a rational basis for despawning? When they’re up they should stay up until killed. Despawn timers make no sense. What’s next putting despawn timers on TLPD if someone isn’t there to kill him in 15 minutes?


Its not server resources. If they can manage 10 merlocks standing around in a vanilla zone no is ever in any more they can manage some rares in a new zone.

For what it’s worth, Blizz has had despawn mechanics for rare mobs/events in the past. Off the top of my head the only one I can think of is for the Voidtalon of the Dark Star, but those portals are only up for a few minutes before they poof regardless of whether someone interacts with them or not, then it’s back to the respawn timer.

Oh, Fabious is another one!

Pretty sure TLPD used to despawn back in the day. Doesn’t anymore though.

It does seem a little odd that a rare could be up for literally days at a time if no one kills it. I guess that’s what people want though.

just a way to drive more players away. they want this exp to feel worse than BFA so when the next one comes out everyone is EXCITED!!!

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If it only despawns when no players are nearby…

If no players are nearby… how would they know the difference between it being killed or it being despawned.

They going to despawn anyway when they switch to other rares.

I don’t recall getting achievements for the pets, mounts, and clothes.

…and…if it so popular an activity…Where is everyone?

I’ve been there on days /who shows only 3 people there.

Where is everyone?

That’s not a relevant argument for making the content less available. It’s clear that some people would like to farm those rares but can’t because not enough people want to and they aren’t solo-able.

There’s tons of activities that most people aren’t doing but some people are - pet battles, farming old content on their own, completing old expansion quest lines, and so on.

There’s no meaningful justification to making these rares that we can’t solo because they’re too hard more difficult to find just because no one is doing them. That’s circular logic, and it’s faulty.


Fun fact. The stormpeaks zone that TLPD spawns in used to not reset. Which means the rares in it never despawned. So you could very easily pop into the zone on a dead server and at least see either TLPD or its replacement I forget the name of that everyone hates. Fast forward to now and blizz put in a zone wide reset timer. So if no one is on the zone for longer than 20-30min, the entire zone resets. That includes rare spawn timers. So now if you want to camp TLPD, you have to sit there afk for a minimum of 2-8 hours for a spawn that is most likely going to be the wrong rare since TLPD shares it’s spawn with that other dragon.

And you know what else? They did the same thing to all the Outland zones…Outland LOL!

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Part of the reason why nobody does them to begin with is because the rewards are abysmal.

It’s not just that the health pools are large. The rewards are nonexistent. And it’s the same for these Emerald Dream rares.

Both zones will be dead and gone in 10.2.5. Hell, Emerald Dream is a zombie zone already.

I don’t understand why they abandoned the Legion model on rares. If the rares have low % RNG rewards, they should have high respawn rates and no daily lockouts.

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Honestly, I really want to get the Drake Manuscripts from some of the rares there but the inflated HP pool and lack of other folks in the zone has kept 3 of them out of my reach.

Guess I’m never getting them now.

They don’t want players to go there. The content is intended to be a quick regear or catch up for alts. Then everybody is supposed to start mythic raiding and pushing the highest keys. The collectibles thing is only a token attempt to appear they are providing content for more than raiders and high key pushers.


They shouldn’t have put a rep grind, cheevos, and collectible stuff then.

Thos zone is so mismanaged when all they have to do is scala everything down to solo play.

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