Who asked for this? Please an insight on your reward logic

Which is, was and always will be a terrible excuse for ‘gameplay’ with few if any upsides.

Very engaging and thrilling sitting for hours semi-afk looking at your second screen until an addon blares an air-horn into your ear.


You seem like you really want someone to acknowledge how awesome you are for farming an ancient achievement in obsolete content because it took you a long time based on how you keep bringing it up, so here’s your high five.


Exactly!! that approach should be diminish…it doesn’t provide anything good to the game.


This is what really gets my goat. They outright said they want to ‘respect the player’s time’ and ‘meet the player where they are’, then do this, one of the most anti-player decisions they’ve made in years.

The rares already have bad spawn timers, they have crap drop rates, and they’re unsoloable for the majority of players, and they’re the sole source of desirable collectables… and instead of fixing any of those actual problems, they make it so you can’t even just fly on down once you CAN solo them because they won’t be up.

I don’t understand why they’re so insistent on making rares the worst part of the outdoor world. Every rare has so many layers of crap to deal with even without this change.

Make rares like they were in Argus, where they were world quest targets, or like MoP, where they were difficult but soloable if you did the mechanics, give them BLP, and let players be able to be done with them early in their session. Make rares fun.


Another " You Think You Do…But You Don’t" from Blizzard regarding rewards…It’s like the love rocket fix that’s just more RNG…They keep saying that they’re listening but there’s 0 conversation between them and the player base, We need follow ups, a conversation, their insight…nothing

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No matter how stupid and baffling one of Blizzards decisions can seem, there will always be someone here defending them :woman_facepalming:


Some people enjoy the taste of dirty leather.

I dont get the point of this change. I dont see any positive aspect to it. Seems quite silly.

Just drop the charade of fighting on behalf of the new player or something.


In Argus, they even gave players a machine to use to kill elites.


It’s not a charade, I really think about that from a collector point of view, I don’t get this change for current or any returning / new player.

Its frutating to go back to previous expansions just to find this kind of grinds with awful mechanics.


People act like there aren’t new players that like to collect.

I had a guy ask me about my Violet Spellwing and how to get it. After telling him it’s not obtainable because Blizzard does limited-time stuff, the dude has never logged back on to ask me more questions like he said he wanted to do. So damn sad.


Yeah, people would be surprised by how big of a turn off FOMO really is.


So because it took you ten years to kill one elusive rare, everyone else should have to suffer that same fate? Why wouldn’t you want the game to improve and be better for everyone instead of everyone feeling your pain?

This change makes absolutely no sense and all it serves is to make content harder for people who didn’t play a lot the 2-3 weeks people were actively in the zone. No other rare-farming focused zone does this to my knowledge.


It’s Tuesday reset day. The busiest day in ZC.

I was just down there now.
7 rares are up.
No one fighting them.
/who says theres 11players , counting me in the zone.

Sure. This change makes no sense, but it’s doesn’t seem to be all that important or there would be players down there farming those rares.

Why would they be farming rares that they can’t kill because they’re alone and ordinary players can’t solo them?

It’s all part of what’s called parasitic game development.


I’m not sure what your point is, but the fact that ‘no one’ is killing the rares is why they should be soloable.

Whether most players care or not, the rares in ZC are the only place to get specific collectable drops. Most people who cared are done with them, but that means the pool of people willing to help the latecomers/unlucky players is every-dwindling. It’s high time Blizzard just flicked the switch to let them be able to solo the rares and try to get what they want, instead of standing there for 40 minutes until someone joins the group only to leave a moment later.


Blizzard misheard us.

We said - scale down health and damage in FR and Z Caverns.

They heard - let’s add pointless timers. That’ll totally get players to go back there.

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Such a weird decision to make old (not even THAT old) content so unapproachable that the vast majority of players moving forward will never see it again.

What a great use of all of the man-hours poured into the zone.

As a developer why would I bother putting effort into anything I make when it’s going to be effectively deleted to most players 6 months after release?


I agree.
Makes no sense.
That whole zone has been a tragedy.
Seems like it’s being ruined on purpose.

There won’t be any reason to go there until next expansion when we can all solo everything there.

Even then. That esoteric loot table for the rares will still stop most from even bothering with it.

Only collectors will want a mount or pet so bad they will track what they killed and when to know if they can even get loot from it even if the rare that drops it has spawned.

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Why are these rares so server intensive to have just sitting around? Moreso than all the hundreds of other mobs in those same zones?

You’re joking right? You can’t honestly believe this to be the case? They’ve never done anything like this and after reading this hotfix, they’re not about to start now. This change was done to make it harder and more annoying to farm these rares.

But they generally don’t despawn if you’re not close enough to them.

Bottom line is that this is a garbage change that needs to be reverted along with a 50% nerf to their HP and damage.