Who are you taking into the War Within, Transmog Edition

Its been a while since we had a Transmog Thread, and I’m interested to see who’ll be bringing what into the War Within.

For me, as much as I love my boi here, and as glad as I am to have gotten him the shield transmog to complete his outfit, I think its maybe time I started RPing other characters. Gen’s won at life, he has a mate, a daughter, possibly another one on the way (or two, dice rolls are tricky and Sheena laid two eggs …), it might be time for him to step back and become the Team Quartermaster for my gaggle of kleptomaniacal omnisexual disaster-hobos.

I am absurdly proud of this mog.

For the Red Team, I think I’m gonna Elf Out a bit this expansion with a Paladin and Priest who are very grumpy their honeymoon got derailed and are going to be entirely mad that the venue gets trashed by overgrown spiders, drag my Dracthyr along because she’s a sticky-snout and has to know everything, and have a spoiled Zandalari Noble tag along because of ‘difficulties’ back home and a need to gain enough favour to smooth some ruffled feathers, both political and otherwise.


For Team BLU, I’m gunning for a Draenei Vindicator, a Demon-haunted Medium seeking answers for why the Legion still haunts him after the loss of their ‘Burning God’, a High Elf who inherited some Scourge-cursed weapons and is struggling with their new nature, and the vampiric curse its placed upon her, and a Gnome scholar who wants to study this new strain of Dwarf and get to the bottom of the Titanic mysteries, especially now that the Discs of Norgannon have been proven to be biased and untrustworthy.


Who and what are you bringing to the War Within? And what’s their motivation for diving into headfirst into adventure once more?


Juspion, the character will be taking a vacation. I haven’t decided if I’ll race change to goblin or undead.

My undead I have a more solid character concept but goblins are cute little guys and I never played one for long. Plus having played big races for so long I feel like I’m running at super sonic speeds when I’m smaller lol

Otherwise still maining monk, I don’t RP as my class and I play what I like playing more.


I will flip many coins, throw many darts and might even break out the venn diagrams trying to decide between death knight or monk, alliance or horde. Then I’ll probably end playing a druid after having a random vision the night before logging into TWW.

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I was a paladin from Vanilla to Shadowlands and loved it, but my heart is in priest now and there it remains. That said, I also added a Hunter because I’ve always wanted one, but my mail transmog is horrid so thank goodness for warbands making collection easier.


It hasn’t been easy for me to avoid the warrior route. Remix did open the door for me to experience some real connections with the monk class.

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Going to main my Hunter for range and my DK for melee. Both are in pretty good places right now and alot of fun to play. If real life events unfold favorably within the next couple weeks I might finally be able to launch my necromancy/demonology/death cult rp guild idea. Just depends. In any event I am cautiously optimistic looking forward to the launch of TWW.

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It’s going to be Kirsy, Larisi, Khepre and Callie. 2 pallies and 2 hunters. And also Bradi, my new rogue. The plan is to get them all started and put them somewhere to get rested XP, then level each until the rested runs out.


It’ll be Vanndrel. It’s always Vanndrel. This poor guy is just on an unending fall down stairs.


Maybe he needs a break. Give him a squire to send in his place.

Technically speaking that was MoP-WoD-Legion when he was just in a Bloodthistle-haze off in Pandaria after Theramore got cooked.

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Oh I love me a good transmog thread. I’ve been experimenting with some new looks recently to get them just the way I want them going into TWW for the characters I plan to play most frequently.

I tend not to be someone who constantly changes my characters’ looks, but with a lot of the higher res stuff added since BFA, I felt compelled to revisit a few of them (Maerlyn in particular, as I’ve used the same Scarlet-themed mog for him since 2017) to see if I could make something properly thematic. And I am pleased to say that I feel like I have.

So! As promised in the thread Kirsy recently posted about TWW’s new features, here is the campfire scene with my four old, grumpy Forsaken men.

I like to create characters with specific actors in mind to “play” them as an homage to them (and because it helps a ton when writing them if I can hear the actor’s voice in my head), so from left to right we have:

  • Maerlyn Eldham (Sir Christopher Lee), my main since 2017 for both RP and gameplay. I cannot wait to try Voidweaver Disc because the visuals alone look insanely cool. A cruel former Scarlet inquisitor-turned-Dark Cleric of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, and a man who cannot resist delving into dark things if it means finding a way to prolong the existence of the Forsaken and safeguard them from the living (beware, beware, beware).
  • Gaius Atraeus (Sir John Hurt), a former archmage of the Kirin Tor who is known for his incredible ego and prolific arsenal of colorful insults (I literally have a Google Doc that I compiled of common British slang and insults that I consult when playing him). Gaius draws some inspiration from Dalar Dawnweaver, also an embittered former archmage, who sends the player character on quests in Silverpine Forest to kill members of the Kirin Tor.
  • Septimus Alexandros Banehollow (Ralph Ineson), a Gilnean-born gruff, grizzled dreadguard and veteran of numerous wars. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that Banehollow’s entire character was inspired by Ralph Ineson’s magnificent gravelly, Yorkshire-accented voice.
  • Sir Thomas E. Walsingham (Gary Oldman), Deathstalker captain and all-around shady individual. Think Keeper from Star Wars: The Old Republic, or the Smoking Man from the X-Files, or any other “you really don’t want to peek behind the curtain and see how kingdoms rise and fall”-type operative—essentially a foil for any senior SI:7 agent. Walsingham embodies the clandestine intelligence officer vibe, and his outward politeness and geniality is entirely a front for a heart that is black with hatred and contempt for the living.

These four are without a doubt some of my most-played RP characters. However, it pains me to say that as much as I love them all, I simply don’t have the time to gear each one and play them in content to the extent that I’ll be able to pull my weight in keys or raids. So Maerlyn remains my “main”, and for my main content alt, I will be sticking with my paladin:

  • Alysoun Carrington (Katheryn Winnick), a knight of the Silver Hand with strong ties to her home nation of Stromgarde. I’m loving the absolute heck out of Holy and Ret at the moment, and all three paladin hero talents look like absolute bangers. I went with the personal tabard for this look since despite its painfully low res graphic, it remains the closest thing we can get to a Stromgarde tabard… please Blizzard… give us a real Stromgarde tabard… :weary:

And last but certainly not least, a character with just as much screentime in RP as the aforementioned grumpy old men, a nice change of pace in both personality and gameplay, it could only be… my hunter!

  • Emelye Darkmar (Noomi Rapace), a dread-rider and part of the newer generation of human Forsaken hunters trained by Nathanos and his dark rangers. Unlike most of my Forsaken, Emelye is less prone to evil scheming and favors practicality and comradery—while she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, usually she does so only to protect her people, which means she is a nice change of pace both ICly and OOCly. She will absolutely be rocking the Dark Ranger hero talent, and while I’m somewhat less thrilled about the other two options, I still very much enjoy the unique gameplay of a mobile ranged DPS that can also be melee when I feel like it. If I have time to gear a third character, it’ll definitely be her (plus, I mean, have we ever really gotten an armor set for hunters as truly gorgeous as the Darkshore set?).

And there you have it folks! My lineup for RP and content in TWW. I still have a couple characters I haven’t mentioned here that I may try out (cautiously looking at Mistweaver Monk and Resto Shaman) but I have to be realistic about my time to devote to both gameplay and RP. For now, I’m quite content with all of the above. :skull::v:


I have decided to settle on goblin for now.

Juspions is now Jaspy, a brawler hired to join the Vigilants to steal all their stuff!! Spoiler alert, they’re going to steal her heart.

My undead has a significant interest in the Titans and would fit well in the guild. Yet, I want to do something different because I’ve played and RPd as undead and Draenei my whole WoW life. If I end up not liking my goblin I’ll just say she accidentally blew herself up and race change to what I know best.

Also goblin fisticuff animation in the warband is super cute


Welcome to the most steamy order of monks, Juspy.


I’m already coming up with a back story!!

There’s a goblin run organization called AFC (Azeroth Fighter Cartel) a subsidiary of the Brawlers guild. It’s closer to the theatrics and drama like WWF but maybe with a wee bit more actual violence.

Jaspy played a rising star character and was a fan favorite. However some back door dealings and a rigged fight saw her character fall from grace and she was forced into early retirement with a pile of debt.

After odd job after odd job, she scored a gig from a secretive wealthy benefactor, my undead, to get cozy with the Vigilants and see what relics and information she can get a hold of.

It gives me reason to do TWW stuff with the Vigil and explore new expansion stuff as a little punchy guy


The shorter list would be who I’m NOT taking into The War Within. I am not taking anyone currently under level 70. With that being said, I have 60 characters I will be dragging through the new expansion. Characters on my primary account will take priority. Once I have completed leveling up all characters on the primary account, I will reactivate my secondary account for a bit to level up characters there.

I feel somewhat guilty for not being able to provide transmog links, but I doubt anyone wants to see all that. I have two vanity guilds that were basically my Warband long before Warbands were even a thing…minus soulbound items of course. Anonimous here is my neutral go-between for both of those guilds. He wouldn’t be very anonymous if he had a guild tag after all. Anonimous is also on my second account, so it will be quite some time before he gets to experience The War Within.


Norman always goes first, followed by one of the gatherers, so I can make some pocket change quickly. Beyond that it just depends on what I find interesting while I’m running Norman through.


My dwarf monk Skyva Gryphonwind will be my main. As a player who likes to explore new xpacs first and participate in some medium RP along the way, I feel the most balanced with him. Will follow him up with my nelf Druid. Other alts will follow just not sure which ones yet.


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I went into Dragonflight as a dwarf rogue and I’m going into TWW (and hopefully beyond) as a void elf hunter.

Ellana Duskbloom, :dracthyr_heart:

Her motivation is the same as it’s ‘always’ been, upholding the oath she took ‘to defend [her] people from enemies both near and far’.


I played an Evoker for most of DF and I’ll be doing that again as I’m the only Evoker in my raid group. But I also kind of want to return to rogue life, and made a vampy new Velf rogue in remix.

I have at least 4 of each class at 70 and I’m going to do my best to play less of them.

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Augmenter Evoker is stupidly fun and can help folks out in novel ways, which makes it a ton of fun, both since you’re contributing and have a ton of utility to give the Raid, and that spike in bonuses you grant can help under-geared players keep up with the others, or push the group over the line to drop a boss that’s causing grief.

Most semi-casual and casual raiding groups I know always have at least one Augvoker and a Presvoker if they can wrangle it just for the AoEs and flying nonsense. I just want to be a Warrior Dracthyr and live out my Dragonlance Draconian fantasy…

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