I think they ARE getting warrior, mage and rogue at some point early TWW :0
I will be the angriest twink Azeroth has ever seen if we get Dracthyr Warriors who don’t need their visage to fight in melee!
If I decide to pick it up (sort of waiting on launch reviews) I’ll just start with Rizzy and then work my way down the alt tree. My Vulpera rogue will probably continue to wither away in Frostwall because I just can’t get into rogues.
There’s honestly nothing really interesting me this expansion but my work year is gonna be pretty stressful so I’ll probably pick it up just to have some mind-blank grinding to do.
I’ve decided to look at this new expansion with the mindset of being more casual with it, and wanting to really focus on the profession side of it. Although if I’m being honest I do really want to continue into raiding at least at the AOTC level. Mythic raiding in my experience has led to some great friends over time, but also inevitably turned the game into a job for me. I’m too old to be doing things like that, especially when I’m not getting paid for it. When it comes to RP characters I’ll always find a way to have something in mind for someone I want to bring in for content reasons.
With that in mind I’m really looking at doing a maximum of four characters, though that number might dwindle as time goes on.
I’m looking at bringing my druid, a class that I’ve mained off and on since MoP - Kozra Stonefeather who has been my main character since probably Legion! Still undecided if I want to keep him on MG, or even keep him as a night elf. I’ve had this character as every race under the sun and I’ve changed his story around quite a bit to make it feel appropriate for the race. Having all the neat mage tower stuff is really an added bonus to continue sticking with my lovely bear tank. Though certainly not the first druid I’ve mained! I’ll be looking at him with being my moonkin/bear with engineering (for PvP reasons) and enchanting.
After that I definitely need to keep my warlock going - Nobastru Warder. My undead travelling merchant. I’ve had her since the start of Shadowlands and was my most recent character to play with going into “higher content”. That alone makes me feel justified for some reason in keeping the character alive and not being yet another class remake. She’s also my “RP main” who I have the most connection with. She’s my tailor and JC. I’m already making strides to becoming one of WrA’s top JC picks. It’s a tall order, but one I think will be fun to fill! Especially given the sheer lack of active profession people on the server who want to charge an arm and a leg for a 525 lariat recraft. She’ll likely continue to stay as demonology, but honestly all 3 specs for warlock are a blast to me, especially affliction. So I’m super comfortable playing whatever for her when it comes to content.
After that is Itchiquaqua - my highmountain flight master NPC turned adventurer. The RP concept seems pretty silly and fun for me, and there’s certainly plenty of things I can do from an RP aspect to make it a fun time for others when I decide to take a break from content! He’ll be my leatherworker and skinner. I think the casualness I’m wanting to look at for the expansion fits pretty well with pet hunting. He’ll primarily be survival and likely pick up MM as an off-spec to toy with.
Finally is Vardrok (Name still undecided tbh), my Dragonmaw Orc grunt captain. To be fair I’m still not entirely sure on the class, but I know I wanted to have a plate character to toy around with since I intend on whatever class I decide to go with will be my blacksmith. Basically have one character of each armor type, having warbands be a thing really makes me want to finally pick up a plate character and stick with it. Last time I did that was probably with my old DK from MoP that I was debating about maining for a time, and even went out and achieved the challenge mode set with. I’m still debating between warrior and DK when it comes to tanking keys. Realistically it will come down to what seems the most smooth to play and has the most versatility in dungeons. I’m just glad that dungeon portals are finally account wide. Similar to my warlock and hunter I’ve greatly invested in trying to get every single profession pattern in the game that I care about. I guess I just like the idea of being a completionist in some aspects?? Either way if my decided plate character will be a warrior he’ll end up being prot & whatever DPS spec looks to be the most fun. If it’s DK then it’s going to be blood and my love for unholy. DoT specs are my favorite way to do damage. There’s something just so rewarding about having something to always maintain for me.
I will bring, wait for it, Kinarra! It’s always Kina the Tauren brave/failed chieftain. I’ve tried race changing her. She was briefly a Highmountain and then an Orc. But she was meant to be Tauren. Seriously though, I need to do a little overhaul of her. I’ve always sweated over the small details with her. At this point, it’s been so long since I seriously RPed her and there are probably only about 5 people playing who still remember her from “back in the day”. I seriously need to get over myself when it comes to her as a character. I need to decide what I think is her essence and run with that.
I’ll probably bring Greatmother Moon (elderly Tauren druid/seer) along for the ride too. I think she’s pretty solid as a character. Plus I’ve always RPed her as older than dirt, and possibly dead (a lingering ancestor who has stuff to do before she officially crosses over). So she’s good to go. She just shows up and starts being difficult. I love her. She can work in any setting because she has own unknown agenda.
Late to the party on this thread, but poor Sarestha is taking a back seat. She’s been my main since Legion, but her time has come. Since I stepped down from guild leading and all the Lordaeron stuff I was up to, the oceanic guild I’ve fallen in with is decidedly NOT political, and so my deeply nationalistic Forsaken “Paladin” hasn’t been quite a fit. Add to this, she’s quite content being back in Lordaeron, fighting for her home again. I don’t see her leaving except in the most desperate need. In some ways a subterranean void war is beyond the scope of her driving narrative. That said, I hope to see her back in Midnight.
However, my Forsaken interest can’t be defeated that easily. I’ve been playing my warlock a lot recently. Edgar Thondroril is an elderly, well-spoken and very burned skeleton. He’s the opposite end of Sarestha on the nationalistic side of things. He cares for the Forsaken only inasmuch as he probably has to pop into their consulate to get a passport It’s kinda like he lives there, but he has no deep, personal loyalty to his people. Instead, he is obsessed with the accumulation of knowledge and power, as well as ultimately ensuring his own endurance and longevity. Officially, on any Forsaken paperwork he’s just some ex-Lordaeron farmer who started learning the warlock arts upon attaining freedom from the Scourge. In reality he was an 88 year old Dalaranian Archmage at the time of his death, at the pinnacle of his career, who for all of his power and position was helpless before the power of the Scourge and Archimonde, and who sought to master the powers that humbled him, brought low his pride, and ruined all he had once helped to build. Now 120 years old, he’ll be chasing any whispers of the void into the depths to increase his own knowledge and power, and hopefully neutralise any threats that may again take him unawares… he will NEVER allow himself to fall again.
In addition to this, I’ve been really enjoying Paladin in remix and I think I want to main it for gameplay. So I am going to play… a CAVE HUMAN! Yes, I have been reading altogether too many spoilers about the Hallowfall Arathi, and I’m here for it! In the interests of not spoilering, I will not go into the details here, but I’ll absolutely be dipping my toes into the Alliance side of things to play a human. From a cave.
See attached my login screen - the toons in their places of honour! Apparently I really like purple.
I’m going to different xmog but I wound up really digging the vamp elf with both eyes being set to no vision + brown clothes.
https: //imgur. com/a/3J6g1aV
How do they each look like they’re actually doing something? Mine are just standing around.
Although now that I think about it, standing around is pretty appropriate for me.
Clicked on them each individually before taking the screenshot. It makes them stand up and assume an attack posture for a short while. Melee do it for longer than casters for some reason, casters seem to just stand up.
I have managed to finally perfect my paladin’s transmog, which means that I will probably spend most of this expansion on a grand quest to get her married to a nice lady.