Who are these Dungeons made for?

I have portals since MoP Challenge dungeons.
Been playing since 2005.
I am more than capable of doing all the mechanics, and damage, needed for these dungeons. I do get hit with more avoidable damage than I should, but mostly chip dmg. Nothing huge.
That is my resume.

Who are these current Dungeons, with their convoluted mechanics made for?
I realize I am in the top 10% of wow Gamer, maybe 20%. I use forums, 3rd party tools, websites and watch content for the game. Most people do not.

I do not get it. Who tf are these dungeons made for? The title pushers? RWF? AWC?

Most people who play this game are bad. That is fine, it is a game. A game and mechanics should be made for the masses, the larger pool of people.

I don’t even know what to say. I am rambling, I am annoyed.
Are you not allowed to enjoy a game anymore unless your blood preasure is up?


Your feats say otherwise.

Want screen shots of the portals and my PvP Title from Classic, that is no longer obtainable or something?
https: //imgur. com/a/7KMKLue

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I don’t need “screen shots” because your account wide achievements show you only got KSH once in DF S3. You don’t have M+ portals since inception. This is across Zekis, Stlkr, Agathas, Geresia, Irvynix. Your PvP title means nothing here.

Don’t know what to tell you. I have the portals.
You aren’t even contributing to the conversation, just being a little forum bit… troll. I see no reason to interact with you further after realizing this.
Also, for clarification. The title was to combat your claim that I havent been playing since 2005. Not that I PvP.


I’m calling you out for trying to leverage your made up “experience” to use in your argument. No need to double down. Your run history on RIO on your alts also disprove your made up story.

I wasn’t arguing against you playing since 05’ it was against you saying you have been getting portals which imply that you have been consistently timing +20s across every season.

Once again, I have the portals. So -shrug-
https: //imgur. com/a/b8CAu2h
Maybe I missed one or two. That must mean my point is completely non existent.

You have some portals, mostly from DF S3 and SL S4. Not what you originally claimed.

Why would I trust some screen shot that could easily be altered versus your account wide feats of strength or directly from RIO? You got caught red handed. Just stop.

LOL you mean you only got 1 or 2 seasons.

If you are going to make an argument in the OP then don’t make up your experience to use as leverage.

You really think I care enough to alter anything to prove you right or wrong?
My man, grow up. Seriously. Maybe get off the forums for a short time as well. Can be helpful to your mental state.

You would be surprised what people will do to be believed.

Says the one who can’t admit that they made up their experience. It’s clear as day on RIO. You realize we can see every single run, with who, what ilvl, ect? You don’t have all the portals like you claims, far from it. You pushed +20s for 2 seasons and the easiest ones at that.

Okay, that is fine. Stalk all you want. I will portal around the world in the mean time.
Nice chatting with you :slight_smile:

And yet, still a typical forum troll. Derail the intention of any thread to find a small perceived flaw. I do not understand your kind. It disturbs me, truly. That you continue to hammer home a point that is irrelevant to everything in a way to prove you are right, superior, or have a purpose.

Please do me, and everyone a favor. Leave. You and your kind is truly not liked. Anywhere.

Oh, and truly a “Fun fact”, that shows your lack of reading comprehension and your ability to derail and miss the point. I said “I have portals since MoP”, not “I have all portals since MoP”. Even though I do have most (according to my spell book), I feel your original premise of having an issue is, idiotic. :slight_smile:

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this is probably my fault, but I cannot ‘see’ your picture. odd…

(edit) in fact, your armory profile is hit and miss. Meaning, sometimes you can see it, sometimes you can’t. I wasn’t able to verify your FoS b/c your profile isn’t showing up. maybe it’s just a bug on Bliz website? (end edit)

Had to space between 2 points to pass the filter.

I am so confused what is going here. Irvynix has Keystone master for BFA and Challenge Mode gold since it first came out. Sasori doesn’t have either from what I can see.

So technically Irvy is right to say they have experience. I feel like this is just a derail.

Hell looking at both it’s entirely possible the profiles just aren’t showing everything.


Each to their own. I thoroughly enjoy reading Sôsari’s comments, cuts through the bull and provides useful advice.

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could be. I am having an issue where armory won’t show the character ‘stuff’. I assume it’s a glitch.

I am more of a cut the bull and I would say instead of trying to go with the “you didn’t do this back then!!”. Can’t we just discuss the actual point of the thread?

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I would absolutely love that. Which is why I asked that gentle… person(?) to leave.
What are your thoughts on the topic at hand?

KSM doesn’t give portals.

If people are lying about their experience from the start of their OP to use as leverage and make their claims sound more valid then it’s difficult to actually believe anything else they are trying to say. So, no, can’t really do that now that they discredited themselves from the get go. It would be a different story if they left all of that made up non sense behind and was genuine about it.

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