Whizbang Spawning Fixed

Still not getting any loot.


Niceeeee Blizz, thank you very much!

woot. finally got a spawn.

i got a card. :joy:


I’d feel lucky if I got to get even one bag.
Already got mount+ belt (kill #1), toy (kill #2), tabard (kill #6).
Missing hat, pet, stone.

6 kills total.

Thank you Blizzard! Got 2 sweet mounts, a bag, a tabard, and a toy! Much appreciate the fun event with the fix.

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when are you hotfixing the drops to be guaranteed? 15 portals done so far and i dont have a single item, not even a card

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are you… looting the boss?

They give us an inch, and some wish to take a mile. :roll_eyes:

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The WoW team should be in the dictionary next to the word “reactionary”

not even reactionary… because they still haven’t fixed the lag

Well I got my bag on kill 1. Then on the next 6 kills…absolutely nothing. I’d trade that bag for all your stuff in a heartbeat.

Edited to 6 kills and nothing. 6 kills and nothing.

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lots of players and lots of aoe in one spot, will always cause lag.

Yes. We are looting the boss. The RNG is horrible, or broken. Not a single item for me either.


please, feel free to tell us.

Good change.

You should just do things like this from the start. You’ve have been making these events for almost 20 years now and you always have to add new spawn locations, remove mounts, remove toys, etc… Just do it from the beginning so people can immediately enjoy an event and not have to wait for hot fixes.

Thank you!

& also the fixing some of the lag too…

Can you fix the drop rates?
The items are tradable but you cannot get more than 1 of an item (which makes the trading option risky and just silly).
The bigger issue is the bags - the drop rate has been far worse than the bag drop in the Diablo event, & w/ this event only a week, most all alts will not be able to get it, even w/ killing it every hour…

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That would require testing.

I’m not usually one for complaining about things… But this was a complete embarrassment of a boondoggle. Not sure what B squad was in charge of inventing and implementing this one, but they should prolly make the next round of layoffs.

I just hit 74 tagged kills with no mount. Can you please do something about the drop rates or even enable boe duplicates? Got the other items in first 20 kills so something seems to have gone terribly wrong since the hotfix.

Why would you shard RP servers on top of this change, un-shard RP servers thanks