Whizbang Spawning Fixed

So what about not getting loot now?


Where is it in Valdraken or is it obvious? I have been at work and want to be in the right spot

That’s sorta the joke. They only had one chance to do the 10 year anniversary event right, and /gestures around at everything.

62:64, if that helps any. Top the lowest of the big main pillars, the one with the green banners, just to the right of the bank.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!


please reduce the timer between portal spawns… one hour is too long.


Assuming that loot drop chances are decided at least in part based on portal frequency, I’d have preferred they go the other way - each account can loot one portal per day max, BUT loot chances balanced accordingly… meaning you wouldn’t have to spend much of your game week focused on just this event to collect all the rewards.

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Apparently there are still issues, as some people on my Oceanic server were saying that when they went to Stormwind there was no portal, at the same time as I was sitting there seeing it. If its a sharding issue, they need to turn off the damned sharding for these events.

what about the bags then? if you can only loot one portal per account then how do you get the bag for all your alts?


You’re right, if their intent was to make it feasible for all alts to acquire bags, it’d need to be a different system.

However, and I’m just going by previous events here, I think the bag drop rates are intentionally particularly low and it is not that likely that many players will acquire them on more than a few alts as it is.

Assuming there will be 36 slot bags readily available in the next expansion, it seems humane to not entice players to try to work on this every playable hour this week - like I said I’d rather they award what they plan to award on a fun but not overly disruptive play schedule.

Thank you! Hopefully this alleviates some of the crowding, lag and sharding issues. Good luck to everyone on their continued anniversary hunt.

Another chance, another no loot boss. What in the hell.

I’ve been out of the loop. What is a whizbang?

Going well for me so far!

I waited 24 hours for kinks to be worked out.

Valdrakken portal spawns… then despawns.
Quarter past the hour, and there’s a mountain of people waiting around in Stormwind like:


Ours has been spawning like 8 minutes after.

It sure helped the Org one…that spot was horrible with lag …Val and SW I didn’t have any lag issues but that Org ohh yeah.

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Just did the one in SW…decided to ck out how many horde were at the Org one and the portal was still up at 8 mins past the hour and spawned out the bosses just as I got there…worked great for me on my horde toon…got another card I needed …now down to one card needed…got the mount …got the pet…got the bags on couple of my toons …got the tabard and hat …really not into the mog stuff…just mount and pet and bag.

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welp… nothing spawned in stormwind this hour.

that was a good 40 minutes waiting around for nothing :grinning:

now i get a 20 minute break, and get to wait around again, in the hope that something will spawn next hour…

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please reduce the amount of time between spawns

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I might be harsh in my criticisms, but I’m not above giving credit where it’s due. Thank you for this.


Not always, unfortunately. I’ve complained that Baron is being very stingy with his horse mount for years. I still don’t have his mount.