Whizbang Spawning Fixed

is this loot once per day per character?

No its farmable every hour


Thank you thank you Blizzard for finally listening too your paying customers about this event…again Thank you…you made my heart happy now.


Yea, you broke loot now lololol incredible.

Are they even dropping loot anymore?

If you have 10 of those wild cards it won’t drop anything that you don’t have.

So it my appear no loot but it’s really wild cards.

Just delete the wild cards.


I just got the bag, but I really only want the pet and mount. :frowning:

I just got the mount on my druid in Val a bit ago.

This is the single worst thing in the history of the game

This is terrific, thank you!

I didn’t complain but I appreciate it.

Great change, should’ve been there from the start, but still a great change.

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It seems like something changed, lots of people in the shard I was on didn’t get anything.

Great, thanks for letting us know the intended effect, at least I’m no longer confused about that.

However the portals are not spawning simultaneously… I just looted one in Valdrakken at 5 past the hour, and another in Stormwind at 10 past the hour.

I think the servers have the same actual time, so it’s not that the clock is set wrong - is there supposed to be a random delay on each portal?

There is apparently a chance to get no loot from the boss, which may or may not be related to whether a given character already has a maximum stack of 10 Hearthstone Wild Cards in their possession. Since the boss usually drops at least a couple of those, the theory is that if you’re capped (since they’re limited to a unique stack of 10), the boss may appear not to drop anything.

I have 9 in my inventory right now and had an instance where the boss wasn’t lootable for me, but was lootable for another player in my party that was also present for my previous boss kill. So I can’t completely confirm the situation, but there’s at least a chance, seemingly, that no loot will drop, but usually something will. :wink:


I love you and I love the dev team that implemented this!

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From all the complaints I saw yesterday, it may be better to not be in a group as many who were saw they could loot but were unable and then Dr. Doom/Boom despawned.

Lag was that bad and so were the glitches so I haven’t joined any groups.

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Well unfortunately this last time they seemed to happen simultaneously.