Whisperwind Alliance Reconnections

I remember you. All ur characters were named deadly. I remember deadlyspoon. Name was Trethope. Human Mage.

Archxangel - Night Elf Warrior
Archxlock - Gnome Warlock
Have been in (from Vanilla to Wrath) Phoenix Tear, Bandits Reborn, Zero Hour, Abyss, Exalted, After Life, and Action Nine News.
I still currently play on Whisperwind with Helms Elite.

I was hoping to reconnect with a hunter named Palio. He was in Phoenix Tear, After Life, and Dragons March. Doesn’t look like he’s played since Cata. The dude gave my warrior an Axe of the Deep Woods and was always helpful.


Im trying to help my husband find some of the people he use to play with!
His name was jerpo he played a lock on whisperwind - he ran woth a few diffrent guilds i am not sure witch.

I had a character named Sephroth NE warrior (original I know). I was in the guild Aggro. Hoping to find some people that played with me way back then.

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I don’t remember anyones name unfortunately but if the name Diceclip sounds familiar, feel free to message me!

I cant remember all of my screen names
Tripknotix level 75-80 Night Elf Hunter
Morgarath (Morgorath?) level 29 Human Rogue (warsong gulch 29 pvpers)
Cant remember my level 19 or 39 Night Elf Rogues, but they were also pvpers
I commonly wore a blue tabard, with black hoodie, and 2 ninja swords with red glowies on my rogues… and my hunter!

Oh i also pwnd the horde back when shamans dominated… i still remember an hour+ long game where my health armored human rogue was able to hold the flag from a 3rd cap the horde were trying to push on us… we took a stand that day my brothers and sisters… that we will no longer be steam rolled over in battle! … it was my most memorable Victory! from then on, it was 10 hours a day of out-healthing the Warlocks by single digit health points after potions, and out stabbing rogues by lucky crits to the spine, and pretty much making mages have a hard time reaching anywhere quickly, that was quite the turn around of the norm… but the shaman… maybe i wasnt able to stop them… but i could slow them down long enough for our strongest-bravest men and women to take on what should have been a suicide mission, only to drag the flag back with no health and a freshly rezzed enemy army rushing over to finish the job… sometimes we couldnt stop them…, but when we did, it was nothing short of a victory worthy of its own movie!

That is an experience of a life time, and i wont forget the heroes that stood beside me in battle… except their names, so if you remember me, send me a message =) .


PS: i miss all of my friends, you were all worth more than $400 to a college kid… oh crap i said to much!

You were real bad, tho :wink:

Gallothrix, of The Crimson Knights. I miss you guys.

Name was Evili (Warlock) in guild Evilution. Play the same character but renamed to Devilin years ago.

Pixiepriest NE Priest in the guild Anti Horde Alliance

I don’t remember what chars but I was in Knight Templars for a while in BC. VIkeira Shaman, Liathnian Human Paladin and Raei the Druid were my most played in that era.


I used to play a night elf priest named Bumblebee, I spent most of my time in the guild Aberration. Some of the names I remember are: Weruid (rogue), Raymer, Falcorn (night elf warrior), Sivad (human paladin I think), Sergio (night elf hunter I think - he made it to Grand Marshal), Calvacanti (night elf priest - I might have murdered that name).

At the end of classic I went over to the Horde side and joined Unholy Aura and thus began my heroic quest to fight the evil alliance :slight_smile:

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Hey Kirdie, I remember you! I played Mansur the Human Warlock. Good to see people still remember BOTRE and Prodigy.

I played a human Rogue named Myrtan… I was basically known as Myrt period, also had a dwarf warrior named Myrticas, NE hunter named Myrten, etc… I remember prodigy and other stuff, and played with several different guilds. I remember Halcyon, Niv, Skyden, Naielous, Val(that was short for something), Rewire…

Hope everyone is well, whisperwind was a great alliance server imho back in the day…

Toeclamp/Sorra/Axelgreece in the guilds Band of the Red Eye / Prodigy

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Nevladion - Human priest in < stalk and kill >

Any sk folk here???

Dude you were the first name that came to my mind. Not sure if i’m gonna play, but wanted to see if any of the old guild was.

Lots of familiar faces here!

I’ve played on Whisperwind from the beginning and was in a few different guilds in classic, but most of the time was spent raiding with Stature of the Gods and Abyss.

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Svea - Human Paladin, I was in razor and Exile in vanilla. My husband played Gogeta - Human Rogue and was in Lyric, Lethal Synergy, Oasis, and HERO. We aren’t sure which server we will be on yet, but will definitely be playing alliance for classic. Hope to see some familiar faces out there…DM me if you want either of our battletags!

Calling Rekoj and Helmhammer.