Whispers of Il'Gynoth and 9.1

Thanks for the clarification, anyway, we need to pay attention to this whispers. None of them has failed in the past. We will see what’s next.


This whisper is quite disturbing. I mean, if the keys and torches are indeed the sigils… Why those would open the gate of the void? It says “open OUR way

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Newhart’s ended with him waking up, JR shot in Dallas was all a dream, St. Elsewhere was all an autistic boy’s fantasy, ect.

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I was referring to game stories. I know it’s a theme for many shows and movies.

But she hasn’t?

Uther took responsibility for his actions even though he had his own soul shattered. Sylvanas doesn’t get a free pass while Uther doesn’t. Especially considering how much worse her crimes against the Shadowlands are.

Not true, he made them after the Venthyr.

“Ages ago, just after the first venthyr were sired, Denathrius created another race known as the nathrezim

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I personally don’t think that we will get a void expansion when on BFA we just “killed” an old god. I do think it will be yrel and the lightbound orcs. Turalyon, of course will be involved… bigger question is… will be he killed? if so stupid but after the atrocious writing nothing suprises me anymore.

And the whispers hmm as interesting as they sound overtime they leave far too much to speculate… but the void and whispers does that, drive you insane overthinking and trying to see all posibilities out there.

The 5th is the orb in the Arbiter

After this I’m hoping we all wake up to see Bobby Ewing in the shower

Plot twist: Turalyon and Alleria are actually working for the Jailer and who we must wipe off the face of Azeroth!

The Throne is actually a reference to Garrosh. Having killed himself in the Shadowlands, he now goes to Super Shadowlands where you are given a Professor X hovering chair and forced to play Cosmic Buggy Bumpers forever. But Garrosh bumps buggies FOR THE HORDE.

Not JR (he was shot in the first -I think- season ending cliffhanger) it was Bobby not getting run over in the driveway and Pam waking up to find him in the shower.

Lord of Ravens might be Medivh? Haven’t seen him in a while but he turns into a bird and stuff


N’zoth is canonically the most intelligent of the Old Gods. I don’t think he would just “die” without a contingency plan or a future plan.

I hope.

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What makes you think all that crap is going anywhere whatsoever? They kept saying N’zoths whispers were lies after all.

I want to know though. What happened to Knife Wife, Khadgar, and Wrathion during Shadowlands?

And Sylvanas is a master schemer haha.

But really, I hope so too. If for no other reason than to hear Darin DePaul laying it down as an Old God again.

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It was referring to how we unintentionally aided Azshara in freeing N’zoth by “allowing” her to hack our Heart of Azeroths in order to overload the control panel overseeeing the old gods prison. Azshara herself quotes the whisper in the encounter. After all, it was magni that gave us the Heart of Azeroth on Azeroths behalf. Hell, N’zoth would later use that connection to open up a rift to the chamber of the heart. Allowing him direct access to baby Azeroth.


Sounds like T’Paartos to me :man_shrugging:

The first lie was offered by the time Anduin sent us to Silithus to investigate Azerite, the second lie was mentioned by Sylvanas as Anduin claiming that the Alliance had won the war.

The third and last lie was offered when he was made a vessel of the Jailer.

According to the Primus the Sigils must be reforged by the Covenants. The new Sigils will light the Masters’ way. Note how the quote from https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Il%27gynoth,_Corruption_Reborn#Quotes has it as Masters’ in Plural not singular!

The Void Lords will follow us when we use the Sigils to follow Zovaal.

Queen Azshara quoted the line to reference him being a pawn of herself and Sylvanas by giving us the Heart of Azeroth which Azshara used to break open the seals to N’Zoth’s prison so that she could kill him(unfortunately for her we defeated her making us the ones who killed N’Zoth instead).

From the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron:

  • At the bottom of the ocean even light must die.
  • The silent, sleeping, staring houses in the backwoods always dream. It would be merciful to tear them down.
  • There is no sharp distinction between the real and the unreal.
  • Even death may die.
  • There is a little lamb lost in dark woods.
  • All places, all things have souls. All souls can be devoured.
  • What can change the nature of a man?
  • The stars sweep chill currents that make men shiver in the dark.
  • Do you dream while you sleep or is it an escape from the horrors of reality?
  • Look around. They will all betray you. Flee screaming into the black forest.
  • In the land of Ny’alotha there is only sleep.
  • In the sleeping city of Ny’alotha walk only mad things.
  • Ny’alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes.
  • Y’knath k’th’rygg k’yi mrr’ungha gr’mula.
  • The void sucks at your soul. It is content to feast slowly.
  • The drowned god’s heart is black ice.
  • It is standing right behind you. Do not move. Do not breathe.
  • Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside.
  • In the sunken city, he lays dreaming.
  • Open me! Open me! Open me! Then only will you know peace.
  • You resist. You cling to your life as if it actually matters. You will learn.
  • The tortured spirits of your ancestors cling to you, screaming in silence. Apparently they are quite numerous.
  • The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark.
  • The giant rook watches from the dead trees. Nothing breathes beneath his shadow.
  • Beneath the shadow of the darkened spire, there is no light, no mercy, only void, and the chaos within.
  • You will all be alone in the end.

From Il’gynoth in the Emerald Nightmare:


  • Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator.
  • To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars
  • The king of diamonds has been made a pawn.
  • The lord of ravens will turn the key.
  • The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you.
  • Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it.
  • Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path.
  • At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming.
  • From the earth, he draws strength. Our earth. Our strength.
  • Its surface blazes bright, masking shadows below.

From Il’gynoth in Ny’alotha:


  • Before the last shadow falls, the father of sleep shall savor his feast.
  • The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness.
  • When their mistress beckons, nine ravens take flight. Each seeks a prize to earn her favor.
  • The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.
  • Five lanterns now darkened. The flames they seek will light the Masters’ way.
  • The blind queen wields a scepter of bone. From the deep, she calls forth doom.
  • The cunning ones kneel before six masters, but serve only one.
  • Those who pass beyond… will drown… within the dark…

From N’Zoth in the Crucible of Storms:


  • N’Zoth whispers: Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.
  • N’Zoth whispers: She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.
  • N’Zoth whispers: The veil wanes. His crown will open the way.
  • N’Zoth whispers: I alone can save you from what is to come.
  • N’Zoth whispers: It grows hungrier… bolder. Alas, your eyes are closed.
  • N’Zoth whispers: When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away.
  • N’Zoth whispers: The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.
  • N’Zoth whispers: The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.
  • N’Zoth whispers: He gave himself to the deep places. He gave himself to me.

From Barrowknoll Cemetery:


Mysterious Voice

  • We are the lucky ones. Not you. Not yet.
  • Her blood is making him stronger. Yours will, too.
  • I only wanted to help.
  • The burning ones kept balance. Lost now… lost.
  • The world will burn with the beauty that is to come.
  • She seeks that which must be earned by sacrifice.
  • Embrace your fate. All will drown.
  • Her whispers echoes loudest of all.
  • Their victory is closer than you know.
  • The cracks widen.
  • Night falls. Her song will end.
  • Your pride led to all of this.

Ghostly Follower

  • You feel eyes upon you.
  • You are being watched.
  • You hear faint laughter.
  • I know the things you’ve done.
  • Has she betrayed you yet? She will…
  • He’s awake now. And he’s noticed you.
  • Tell my Daddy I forgive him.
  • The Master waits for you to join him…
  • Beyond this small sea of stars there is only endless Darkness.

From Gloomseeker Yarga:


  • The cries of the drowned are getting louder.
  • The lords of the fallow fields are laid barren.
  • The soup is hot today.
  • A strange skull, stares.
  • Who is this? Who am I? A sack of flesh and soul.
  • There are many things darker than night.
  • With their dying breaths, they cursed the world.
  • The eternal clock winds down.

From the Everliving Statuette:


  • Everliving Statuette: Hidden from daylight, a sleeping flame rests atop the sixth tree.
  • Everliving Statuette: Hope. Betrayal. Sacrifice. Faces change. The tale does not.
  • Everliving Statuette: So many secrets, so little time left to share them.
  • Everliving Statuette: A city of secrets. A history of lies.
  • Everliving Statuette: How many voices do you heed? How many are real?
  • Everliving Statuette: The seventh covets what the six hold fast. The fulcrum wavers. All will be undone.

New in-game broker book in Tazavesh - extra spicy reveals the potential existence of a Seventh Cosmic Force and indicates that the 6 Cosmic Forces are merely groups of Infinite Fundamental Forces explaining the Everliving Statuette’s Whispers to say the least!


also wondering if the primus is a disguised variant of either odyn or gul’dan based on how the character walks and bangs staff on ground during interaction with helya and sending helya away leads me to think its possibly odyn due the sizing in relation to height. lore wise odin sends helya down to helheim as far as mythology goes.