Whispers of Il'Gynoth and 9.1

So, some of the well known whispers are actually making some sense right now:

-“The king of diamonds has been made a pawn.” This one is about Magni indeed. But he’s a pawn of who? Maybe Azeroth, maybe the actual Void Lords and we don’t know it.

-“The lord of ravens will turn the key.” Ravens are always related to death. This could mean the obvious: Zovaal opens the gate in the cinematic. OR the lord of ravens could be Odyn… And the key would be his eye. What do you think?

-“The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you.” The boy-king is Anduin. But what lies will he offer us? What is the master’s table? The table could just a way to say he’s serving the Jailer now. The lies could be something similar to what we saw when he entered Bastion and almost killed the Archon.

-“Bound by dat throne? No. Free. Free” This one could refer to Bolvar OR to the Jailer himself. Both are “free” right now.

-“Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it.” It says “her” I know, but can’t stop thinking this was actually referring to Zovaal after we have seen. Maybe it refers to Tyrande…

-" Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path." This one is interesting. The sigils of the Shadowlands are 4. The one of Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald and Revendreth. But there is actually a fifth, that one is Zovaals sigil. This is interesting because the Void could actually know everything that’s happening and helping in some ways to make it happen. This could turn into a Void expansion at 10.0, but I’m just guessing.

-“The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness” This one is pretty obvious. It’s referring to Turalyon. Troubling news for the alliance indeed… And Alleria.

-"The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green." Ysera could be hiding something from us… But maybe it’s not Ysera. Can’t think of anyone with green eyes at the Shadowlands. Help me here.

-“Five lanterns now darkened. The flames they seek will light the Master’s way.” I think this is once again referring to the sigils. Now that Zovaal is going to destroy everything, the Void seems likely to absorb everything and emerge.

I’m probably missing some others, but I think this ones are interesting. Please comment what you think.


Very interesting post!

I should pay more attention to what is said in game


Now this is a post that’s a breath of fresh damn air!!!

My input is the lord of ravens might just be referring to Zovaal or the “Eye”.
In the Eye of the Jailor fight once defeated says something like “What’s been opened cannot be closed” or something like that.


Ysera’s eyes are Winter Queen blue now.

Malfurion has green eyes now, though.


Throne = Bolvar. The lich king’s ICC throne is a literal throne that your bound to as Arthas was for a long time and so was Bolvar. Zovaal has never been shown to have a throne, just a prison.

Her heart one, is Sylvannas. Her heart was a crater because she only had half a soul. We “filled” it via events that played out. She’s whole again(sadly).

five keys = sigils, five torches = new sigils we will create.

Turalyon and Alleria are actually using brutal light/void tactics to interrogate people as were in SL so yeah.

We don’t know who the king of diamonds is, it could be a fancy play on words for something else.


Sometimes I wonder if they write all these whispers by pulling random words out of a hat and then write the plot to match them lol


Seems legit.

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After the total flop that was N’zoths release, that whole night warrior shtick and Sylv being absolved of all culpability, it’s a wonder anyone cares about the stuff they build up to anymore.

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Heard of a theory that we are all just dreaming because of N’zoth. I’m beginning to think it’s not that absurd after all…


Mario 2 ends with him waking up in his bed. Not unprecedented for that to happen.

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King of diamonds is magni. Azshara straight up uses that line in hotel azshara


Or it’s a character not introduced yet.

After all, the Dreadlords do have an agent in with the forces of Life.

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Im sorry you hate a game so much you feel the need to go into every thread and make it about how much you hate it.


This is actually very interesting. Maybe we haven’t known the character yet.

Totally thought Denathrius was Mal’ganis

There something about Denathrius that always has bugged me. Why the hell he doesn’t look like the rest of the Venthir? He’s just another dreadlord but without wings.


Yeah, I told myself he was just overfed with anima, but that was back when I was hoping he would be Loki kind of good. Just stirring up stuff his own way to get the ball rolling as is. Unfortunately it’s what we all expected. Still holding out hope we get to use a dread lord in our 9.2 weapons, lol.

He made the Dreadlords first.


Another theory out there says that the so called First Ones are the Void Lords. This is pretty interesting. There is a lot of speculation around the First Ones, some say they are the hooded figures that we can find at the Dark Portal and in various parts of Revendreth, Torghast and The SoD. I mean, it could be, after all the first force was void.


It’s been stated in developer interviews that the First Ones made the Void and the other five forces.