New in-game broker book in Tazavesh - extra spicy

Secret Finding Discord folks (specifically dude named Epic) found these books in Tazavesh (also found out how to unlock hardmore, will probably see wowhead article on it in a few hours).

Apparently one broker, Al’Firim, has been trying to find the Sepulcher and has been at it for a very long time. The First One’s language is hard to decipher. There’s presumably more but this was all that was found. Will post more if more is posted.

Each thing has a unique tooltip, posted the first one as an example.

edit: Laytis found all the tooltips in the files, and Epic posted the full books,


Hrmm, i whonder, what could it mean in wow, if a soul “Transcendent”

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A being with a thousand eyes sounds like something that comes from Old Gods, akin to Ilgynoth. If Irik-Tu is such a creature, it’s possible it has information that Old Gods inherently have due to their nature. Being able to see all truths, Old Gods might have a list of possible places for where the Sephulcher is. This information might have been passed to Irik-Tu. We know Mantids go to the Shadowlands when they die, so despite coming from a creature created by the Void it’s possible that Irik-Tu is a variant that originates from an Old God on a planet other than Azeroth.


Shadows from Babylon 5 have a lot of eyes:

Since Oribos and the First Ones may or may not be based on the First Ones of Babylon 5 we may be facing a Shadow who knows the location of the Sepulcher…

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bump, added the full books



We are already discussing it in Discord. It is indeed really spicy

What is interesting, however, is that the great order of light and void is attached here again.

And it is also confirmed what the Titans thought, light and void existed before the other forces, but not for long.


have been transcribed!

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Why has “usurper” been so heavily used this expansion?


Not a big fan of the fact this implies we’re not likely to get any grounded expansions as we progress further and further into the cosmology nobody asked for.


There’s an afterlife that’s a hive for bug people, very interesting


What’s frustrating is the Cosmology sounds cool

But it’s implementation and fleshing out is so incredibly… Basic lol

Like Shadowlands Eternal Ones and their realms are just D&D and European motifs


Part 4 has been found but Epic is gonna send it to me tomorrow cuz they are tired :slight_smile:

My own personal thoughts:

  1. So, it looks like Ven’ari is after this Sepulcher. She is the only person I could think of that would be to as “her”.
  2. I guess we have our new “understanding” of the elements. That this might not actually be a 6 way war between them and that a certain “balance” is needed. As a shaman player, I really like that because its one of the most important tenets of shamanism. But if that is the case, shamanism itself might be incomplete if it doesn’t focus on all the elements.

Unless if a certain Guardian’s son comes back into the picture. Me’dan was learning about shamanism, the light, arcane, heck all he is needs is to learn void magic and learning light magic is half way there.

  1. This “seventh” element is clearly going to be something important someday. The question is what is it.

  2. Man the Burning Legion gets around. So they have actually attacked Maldraxxus which begs the question of how much does the Legion know about the Shadowlands. As I recall draenei souls were put in Auchindoun so they wouldn’t be hunted by the Legion.

Side note: so the void has invaded Bastion, the Light has attacked Revendreth and the Legion attacked Maldraxxus. I find it interesting these forces have all decided to try and destroy the Shadowlands/a portion of it at one point or another.

Added note: it is interesting those forces seemed to have fought there relative opposite.

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I love the one that’s basically like, “Yeah this is lore for now but it’s not set in stone and is free to be retconned in 2 years by a new expansion.”


Blizzard sticking to a plan? $1M
Blizzard misapplying the philosophical derivations of mathematical fractals to avoid narrative accountability? Priceless (and Bewildering)


No surprise you of all people would rather try to derail a thread to cry about possible retcons than actual discuss the lore. How are you even still around and not given up on WoW after all the crying you’ve done?

How does this have any flavor what so ever?
It’s empty filler text: “The First Ones have a language and it’s hard to read.”


A hive afterlife you say? My boi Anub’arak???


I thought you quit? Anyway, its not filler in the sense it would be like a person being asked to read a book written by an omnipotent God.

One would assume it would be “hard to read”.

“Sure the Sepulcher of the First Ones exists beyond any measure that one such as I could hope to comprehend, and I possess far more knowledge of these matters than most.”

I mean, if the Sigils gives Zo’vaal the information/power needed to find the Sepulcher (Tomb) of the First Ones… that’s pretty big information.