👻 While you are doing forum maintenance

Please incorporate classic-centric subforums for guild recruitment and individual ones for classic class discussion.



They should just give us an entire forum that’s of the Classic theme and function, because I love the old forums from Vanilla, they were amazing.

Blizzard if you need help with that, I will build it for FREE.


Agreed, but I did not want to sound greedy.
PHPBB format would be quite nice again.

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Brother, I shoot for the moon. Why not go full tilt and take the whole purse. =)

The rage upon release from both camps will be epic if classic players have no choice but to post about their classes in the retail class forums.


I will flood the Hunter forums with REAL HUNTER things…

The QQ from the BFA nub-cakes should get us our own forum in short order. I recommend that all other Classic players do the same.


Good luck with that. Remember when Blizzard wanted to remove Class forums? Hard to imagine them adding them in for Classic. But you never know.

Classic without realm specific forums will not be authentic.


As long as they keep the scrolling pages vs having to click through multi-page threads. I rather like not having to sift through pages when I can just scroll up and down.

I honestly cannot recall any such thing. When was that?

I don’t remember Blizzard ever saying they wanted to remove Class forums. This may possibly be another Mogar Myth.

Gonna want those and the old forum avatars back.

Oh, there was definitely a point where they wanted to remove class forums. They just wanted role forums (dps, heal, tank). I can’t remember if they actually removed class forums, and then brought them back. Or if they just said they were going to, and the player backlash stopped them from doing it. As far as when…I don’t remember. This was many years ago.

They’ll have a point though. The classes only match by name and general concept, and even a few of those have changed. They just don’t belong in the same forums anymore.

More likely is that classic stays as one big unsorted forum, unless we really do pull in more subscribers long term than live.

I do remember them talking about this as well. I can’t remember when specifically though. I wanna say sometime in or around MoP, but I don’t think they actually ever did it.

Thats the point though isnt it? They are VASTLY different, but not only ex vanilla players are going to be looking for info and discussion on classic classes. Those who only know retail and are used to going to the retail class forums? Will they be content to come to this catchall bucket of slop to find info on their class rather than where they had always gone before?

If you think the vitriol between modern and classic is bad now, just wait to see these forums if blizzard chooses to not get in front of this timebomb. It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to see how this will play out.

As far as sub numbers, blizzard created that pickle as well, as classic sub numbers cannot be separated and viewed as their own thing due to the combined sub. So how would they know if classic was pulling in more subs than modern?

Influx of subs. And Blizzard see what servers accounts are playing.

So putting the effort into monitoring overall subs (which is difficult on its own as subs are continuously ended and reupped all the time, especially due to content droughts) and monitoring what individual servers individual players are playing on, all while the forums are melting down… Is that really a better option than simply clicking a couple keystrokes to create a few subforums ahead of time?

Is being proactive for once really that crazy a concept?

Right now Blizz wants all the discussion in one spot. Until they don’t. Deal with it.

What blizzard wants, what players want, and what is prudent to avoid obvious trainwrecks, are not always in agreement.

Deal with it.