While Everyone is running to FF14 I'm loving 9.1

Conversely, I ran the crap to get flight and quit 9.1 entirely. Havent been back to the Maw or Korthia since.
Leveling up new characters of various classes to 49 to lock in old content where the game is fun and interesting and doesnt irritate me like BFA and SLs have.

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May I just say… you sit have a lovely beard.

No one actually has any idea how WoW and FF14 are stacking up player wise. They keep referring to some click baitey article using a bunch of questionable metrics that have nothing to do with sub counts.

FF14 is a solid game, but it will lack long-term appeal for many like how WoW has held onto people for years at a time.


Yah the fates are fun too. Hunt trains are honesly nuts. Imagine 100 people all getting time lost proto drake because the whole community is aligned in the mission. So cool.


I donno about that. The game is fantastic for a more casual player, as you can sink huge hours into honestly whatever you want. Endgame content/raids is also really solid, just not quite as deep as wow.

Pvp and the m+ diehards for sure will have a tougher time as that type of content just isn’t there or is lacking. But then again, I had a friend who was hard-core pvp and he’s spent 100 hours doing woodworking in ff so you never know lol


As usual I renewed my 6 month sub and got a new Mount

Thank you WoW. Love it .

Same with me. Trust me, they will be back. They just like to create Drama and stuff. They will be back in no time and still complain again. Glad you are enjoying it as I am too.

this just reeks of desperation


I like Korthia too. Also like the Maw world boss, covenant assaults (minus bugs) and so far the campaign quests.

Also have to say that except for the hidden achievements part of new Torghast, I do still like it (though I still preferred old Torghast I think) and the scoring system is less horrible than I thought it would be.

There’s some things I don’t like, like shards of domination, how expensive legendary crafting is (still/again) and that the dublicates on Korthia gear as well as getting so many different anima and relics tokens is annoying, but overall I do enjoy it.

I’m enjoying the patch as well, though it still has the problem where WoW just demands SO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY just to do all the daily/weekly chores to keep my gear relevant, such that it leaves you with zero time leftover to do casual/chill things like level alts or mog farm or whatever. I just wish this game respected our time more. :frowning: But that goes against the new Blizzard policy, I guess…

It’s pretty funny to me, though, that I’m currently taking a bit of a break from FFXIV (cleared all the content many months ago xD), so my focus is WoW, whereas a lot of people are doing the opposite.

Nothing wrong with people that like the patch or the game.

It’s a good thing that we’re all different and have different views otherwise it would be too easy and boring.

Good for you, OP.

They’re not. FF has been around for years and have had a large population for most of that time. This is just the latest “chicken little” moment of the forums.

They obviously never even finished it. It’s called the city of secrets and there is no city.

The ninja class in ff14 is one of the reason I unsubbed, all the wow classes are lame to me now. :confused:


Yeah I like 9.1 for the most part but warriors, bm hunters and rdruids nerf massive nerfs in pvp

9.1 is that bland well done steak that needs A-1 sauce which Blizzard won’t offer you.

FFXIV is that juicy, seared, rare-medium rare piece of Wagyu beef that melts on your tongue.

take your pick

I’ve actually explored more since I unlocked flying.


It took WoW killing themselves big time for people to finally jump FF lol.

Why are all of these FF14 Chad’s still hot on wow forum? If it’s so dam good then go play it and shut up freaks.

Yet jumping ship, they are.