While Everyone is running to FF14 I'm loving 9.1

Its just heard mentality.
Hardly any of these people will still play ff in a month or 2.

Im enjoying 9.1 and think its a great patch. Loving korthia. Got a mount there today from… cant remember the name of the rare but you click an egg to summon it. Was a good day

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That too.

There’s plenty to be annoyed with, but it seems loads of people just refuse to be happy regardless. It’s like they feel like they’re not supposed to enjoy anything and if they say they like a game people will make fun of them for liking it. lol

I’m not enjoying Shadowlands as a whole, but it is what it is. I’ll offer my criticism and if they change it, great! Still trying to keep my alts at least leveled in case they ever make casual PvP appealing again.

stares wistfully at the 300 trillion honor needed to sub-optimally gear a handful of alts…

You and 3 other people are excited about mean while FF14 had to add more servers

Activision has milked this cash cow to death.

I still play WOW some.

More TIME on FF14 now and love it.

Toxic trash please stay on WOW


but you already left.


Because their game runs on a potato…

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I’m enjoying flying and mounting in the Maw and yeah my happiness has went up a lot. The same thing happened to me in Legion. I was miserable until I got flying then it’s like Legion magically became a good expac.

I don’t understand why Blizzard is derp-stubborn when it comes to flying. Just let us get flying on our own time.


It’s weird cuz it was pretty much the same thing in Naztjatar - and despite hating that place until I could fly, it was more fun, (at least it was pretty no matter how much seaweed I had to pull from the ground) and felt better. Idk just remarking on how Korthia is just damn blah.

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Also like the patch, just don’t know for how long. As I’m casual I like that Korthia is quick to finish your dailies, and the assaults are nice.

Have heard good reviews of Tazavesh but I’m more interested in trying out SD when I get the gear for it. I think I’ll be done August-September so I hope 9.2 is early Q4.

I’ve played FF14 a lot too, but while I like the character management (jobs, gearing), I have no connection to the MSQ characters and story

Me too bro. I never played FF14 but the player races are very Interesting to me. But I’m satisfied over here on my side of the fence In WoW.

WoW used to have a little bit a breadth to it. The world was filled with systems you could engage with that would further immerse you into the world. These days? The systems inform the existence of the world, which completely takes me out of the game. The systems-first approach is bald face manipulation, and they don’t even try to hide it.

FFXIV is a different game, yes. But it does partially answer the question, “What if WoW wasn’t solely focused on the endgame loot treadmill?” That partial answer is something people find alluring.


Korthia is butt. Especially for the amount of time they spent on it.

Honestly, everything else about this patch is fantastic, but I’m not sure 9.1 will go down as one of the best patches ever even if I think the dungeon and raid content are amazing (Sanctum of Domination >>> Castle Nathria) because Korthia is butt and that matters to a lot of players.

Maw Assaults are solid enough as bi-weekly content and Torghie has improved quite a lot, but Korthia is just so mediocre. I’ll do it once in a blue moon when I’m not doing anything else simply because it inches you ever-so-slightly closer to getting sockets/conduits, and it is a source of Korthite which kind of matters, but I’ve got enough Korthite to play my main, and this is sort of a “One Character Patch” for end-game because of the Domination Socket system so I’m basically good on that front already.

You know, it used to be a meme that the art team carries WoW. Well, this is one of the few cases where the art team dropped the ball. Korthia looks so bland. Compared to how beautiful Tazavesh and Sanctum of Domination are, it is mind-blowing the same team made it. Or maybe they didn’t? I almost wonder if Korthia was outsourced to another team because the patch dragged on so long and they needed to say that 9.1 had world content or it would have been a disaster. I honestly don’t know.

Mawbeard would be a nice name.

I’ve never joined a hunt train, but I’ve seen what you mean with the Ishgard Fates. When those were new we would fill up the instance. There were so many people that the game couldn’t even load them all. It would render the ball of people around you, and then if you moved the render ball would follow you. Heh, and yeh, while my FPS did drop a little, it was barely noticeable.


I’ve been playing FF14 since ARR launched but I never really abandoned WoW, just unsubbed here and there as the game went to trash.

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Cool story. FF14 is good, but the map in game is bad, really bad imo lol. I know this games map is not the best either, but it is a lot better than FF14’s

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Map? Like the thing you open to check the area? If so, this is the strangest complaint I have ever heard but hey, you do you, bud.

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I started playing ff14 same time as asmongold (guess why lawl) and honestly I’ve loved the MSQ in it. As a long time Final Fantasy fan it’s really cool to see how they use the universe they’ve made and make small inclusions here and there in 14. Surprising it took me this long to really get into it.

That said, I’m still playing 9.1. I think it’s a good patch overall with some solid improvements. I only really do PVE content so no WM for me. M+ and Raids are basically all I want to do. I feel like there is too much “mandatory” stuff to do to get soul cinders though. I’d much rather have soul ash/cinder acquisition tied to something I’m already doing in the game like dungeons instead of having to do Torghast.

Ah yes, I know my enjoyment of games completely hinges on the quality of its in-game maps.


You do you, to I guess.

I do do me, I do me all the time!