While Everyone is running to FF14 I'm loving 9.1

Is something wrong with me, a few days before 9.1 released I played FF14 and did not really enjoy it the MSQ’s were horrible to me of course. I’ve been playing 9.1 and all the content is has to offer I’m really liking it, seeing all the negativity around WoW lately and the good press on FF14 including what 26 million subs now (Impressive)!? Maybe I don’t like change lol… the world pvp in korthia combined with the new raid and Mythic + I dont see why so many people dislike.


Korthia is some of the worst content I’ve ever seen in an MMO, and I used to play every pile of slop that came out in the early days of the genre.

“NEW RAID!” also isn’t meaningful to a lot of people and there is no “new” M+. No new dungeons for it, no new loot, no nothing. even the new affix was obliterated before release.

Bad world, bad content, bad story.


I can’t find any enjoyment, but glad to see someone can.

I don’t like Korthia because it’s same thing every day pretty much. PvP I got put behind because of a bug that gm wouldn’t resolve for me, so I’m 1 conquest item behind, don’t raid and m+ is kinda same as season 1 which I overplayed.

Hope your enjoyment lasts.


That’s good, to each their own.

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Korthia is okay. Lots of people are just trying something new. That’s fine.

Gotta say though the main grievance I have is the zone wide lag that still plagues wow. We’ve had this for years now, where a bigger cluster of people fighting say the world boss tanks a zone. Its really annoying

Meanwhile a 100+ player hunt train in ff14 produces uh 0 difference in zone lag.


I think it’s telling that FFXIV has been around for nearly a decade itself. It’s nothing new. People aren’t chasing an innovative, novel experience. They are chasing what WoW could have been, if it were on a slightly different path. WoW has diverged so far from what it once was that people are going over to something that reminds them of what once was.


Good for you. Everyone enjoys different things, nothing wrong with that.

Based on what I’ve seen people here say FF is more story driven than wow is. Soo if you don’t care at all about story ( :wave: :slight_smile: hello group member) then you may just like wow more.


Your correct in that people are chasing a fun MMORPG experience again, but not in the way that “what wow could have been” because they never put story first to unlock content heavily for every dungeon/raid/ect. Sometimes its better to just experience something else new and doesn’t try to make you grind non stop. And that’s what wow always was - a game you grinded on since vanilla. People who play FF14 have a tendency to go for a narrative driven game with a heavy story that wow never had in a way that feels very personal and continues through expansions -not one off characters we never see again and have no meaning in story.



I’m not running to FF.

That said, I’m unsure of the long-term appeal of Korthia.

Two weeks in, I’ve got four characters in Korthia, all are at least 3/4s geared with Korthia gear and have at least half those pieces up to 213 already. I’ve campaigned as far as last week’s renown cap allowed. There doesn’t appear to be a lot of archivist lore/questing left to do after what I’ve already done.

Some people like defecating in the streets of southern California (maybe even outside Blizzard offices). Different folks, different strokes.


I ran to eso, its refreshing playing a game that actually has a large open world thats relevant and not just 1 zone at a time for months at a time.


That’s intentional. They gave you a few quests to up your rep with archivist lore, and the rest is grinding korthia endlessly daily till you hit cap.


This “everyone is fleeing to ff14 because dead game” is hilarious. If they ever shut the servers down due to lack of sustainable population, it won’t be because of another MMO. It will be because Blizzard killed it.


And I just don’t see that floating my boat in 90 days.

This X.1 is an incredibly lackluster (and buggy) patch that really makes one question just where all this dev time and effort went. Plus, given the release timing, it begs the question if we’re going to have an ultra short season so we get a .2 and a .3 or will we only get 1 more major patch.

Like I’m already bored of Korthia. I go there and do my dailies and settle for killing any rares that aren’t inconveniently out of the way and move on. Torghast is great but there is still no reason to farm it past my 2 runs so ~ 1 hour of my time.

Mythic+ is great…already like S2 WAY more than I liked Pride. It’s going to get dull and predictable though if the power pool is the same week to week. Would like to raid but don’t got a team anymore for that and am not willing to chase down rando communities or do it via pugs (plus my schedule isn’t set in stone week to week).

It really just feels like we waited all this time for something akin to the selfie stick patch…like 9.1 isn’t nearly as terrible as that, but it still is like…is this it?


I don’t like it because it’s just another “sandbox” of the same things. Treasure chests, a new currency that is mostly used to buy things to help you get the currency faster.

A new round of chase the rare… I did it for one day to unlock flight just so I can level my alts faster because I know I’ll try the next expac, always do! lol

That said, FF14 isn’t mind blowing for me either. I’ve enjoyed it, and the story has gotten pretty good as it progresses. Shadowbringers story has been amazing, and I’m enjoying trying new jobs.

Both can be enjoyed. The “us vs them” mentality has poisoned everyone’s minds from politics down to which video games you’re allowed to enjoy now.

Just… live.


I tried FF14 at the end of BfA, hard pass on that.

I’m having a great time in 9.1 as well.

There’s valid Shadowlands critiques, but a significant number of the player base is determined to be miserable and nothing Blizzard does will change that


I am not running to FF even though Korthia does get boring after awhile I am having a lot more fun now in 9.1 since I can fly. Can actually play some alts also on my 60 who is only one in Korthia they are now back in main four zones collecting treasures, those shards in Bastion even flying in vamp land to the top of a bell tower.

If you like 9.1 nothing wrong with it and if you like FF still nothing wrong.