Which Trading Post Items Do You Use Most?

Which trading post items do you use most? I really wanted that crab mount and when i got it i used it once.

But the broom mount i use daily.


Depends on the character but crab and broom are in the rando mount button pool so probably them.

This dude is rockin the shoulders from the pal class mog and hood though

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The hoods, cloaks, and neck wrap thingies by far. I’m so glad they added them.

I really like the chain link tabards, especially in tanks.

Occasionally use the DK weapons, but I change my mog at least 2-3 times a week.


Ooo i hadn’t considered that.

The hoods, cloaks, and scarves are my most used items.


My warrior is using the chain mail tabard, a couple of my others are using parts of the blood troll set, and this character and a couple others are using the scarves.

That’s about it.


I use a lot of the cloaks/ hoods combos. I make sure to collect those every month.


An’she staff. I can’t remember the real name for it but it’s one of the few items in the game associated with him. Matter of fact, it might be the only one.


I used the purple Mage staff thing for a week. Literally nothing else.

the broom mount, for sure. currently i’m rocking candy cane swords on my dh :slight_smile:


The cloak+hood transmog. Like, 99% of my transmogs use them.

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I buy the pet’s and mount’s each month but have used none of them. Don’t touch the transmog pieces because there is never enough tender to buy much after the other two purchases. Once they stop offering the first two, or they make it so you can earn more tender in the month from all the other activities to earn your stipend then I’ll start buying and using those.


I don’t generally reuse items, weapons, armor or mounts on more than one alt. When I buy items from the Trading Post, it’s usually for a specific character. That being said, the Ethereal Transmogrifier is one that’s always on an action key.

I have one alt that has the Red Pith Helmet and Trapper’s Shot Pouch from the Trading Post, along with the Renowned Explorer’s Attire to make a kind of late 19th Century safari hunter and I absolutely love the look. Too bad I can’t post a pic :robot:

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I make frequent use of most of the mog items, but the scarves and matching cloaks are probably the most used simply because the variety of colors makes them more easily matchable to my outfits. I’m not a fan of things that cover my character’s face and hair so the scarves give me something for the head slot that fits my sensibilities. I’d love to see a cosmetic version in variety of recolors for this though:

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Ethereal Transmogrifier

By far the best Trading Post toy to date!


I’ve been asking for years. YEARS. For blizzard to add skimpy pants for leather wearers.

Then the blood troll set came along. It blessed my life with skimpy bottoms to use as a leather wearer.

I will never not use them.

So anyway, transmog toy 10/10 would buy again.


The scarves.

I love the cloak hood combo s and use them often, especially the ragged looking one.

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I always use the cloaks we get plus the scarves, I use the blood troll set sometimes, but not often.