I haven’t used many items yet.
But I buy a bunch of them for their potential. The hooded cloaks, anything shaman-y.
I haven’t used many items yet.
But I buy a bunch of them for their potential. The hooded cloaks, anything shaman-y.
Broom mount. It even replaced the love rocket on many characters. I’ve been asking for it forever and now I have it.
If I throw a bucket of water on you, will you melt?
Only if it wrecks my phone.
This one. I LOVE the broom mount.
My Taurens can fly through doorways, I can fly up to herbs and still see them. I love this mount. Never took it off my bar after Halloween and probably never will.
I use the black hood / cloak for my hunter’s dark ranger transmog. I love it so much:
The netherdrake.
Transmog wise, the scarves and the chain tabards.
I think Moonguard’s Goldshire Inn all vote for the blood troll set.
I used the druid weapons for a little bit. I would use the crab if I hadn’t been unsubbed and if there was a place where ground mounts mattered.
I have 3750 tender though, much of what has been on doesn’t interest me at all. A few months like this one there is not even one thing I want, and most of what I’ve bought was just like "that’s neat but I doubt I will actually use it. "
The fact that some people are legit upset that they can’t buy everything is bizarre to me.
My demon hunter uses the netherdrake mount (which I gather is also available ingame now?)
My paladin uses a flail appearance.
I think that’s it. Mostly I’ve been just increasing the count on various collections.
My most used trading post thing appears to be my Tender Balance. I use it to post into threads about the Trading Post.
Currently sitting at 10,900.
(Does anyone know how to get the balance? I can’t find it in game, save at the Trading Post, or on the profile here. Doesn’t seem to be in Currencies.)
the scarf and cloak
It’s in currencies under ‘Miscellaneous’.
oh yeah true, that set is bis
i know they are supposed to be for a blademaster, but I really want to use those blademaster beads for my monk.
It would be cool if we got the flag for a blademaster. They have the sword for it already.
I would love it if they turned the banners into a back transmog. I RP my Mag’har Warrior as a member of the Burning Blade.
Best I can do is the toy from WOD - https://www.wowhead.com/item=168014/banner-of-the-burning-blade