Which spec benefits most from Quick Strike?

I was playing a priest when I saw the Quick Strike Tinker Gem and I immediately wanted to try it on a melee toon. I’ve narrowed it down to a few specs, but I’m hoping people can provide the right information for me to make a choice.

Which spec would benefit (however you define it) from the Quick Strike gem?

Arms warrior


Really? More so than Fury? Alright, well that’s good to know.

Havoc DH does well with this.


Interesting. I dont have a DH capped. Thanks.

Doesn’t work for DKs.

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Just curious, how come?

It’s busted. It’s supposed to work.

For some reason it only works off of Death Strike.

Well thats [explative deleted]


Rogues and warriors, especially arms and sin if you add it with enkindle and meteor storm, oh boy.

Sin over outlaw? Really? I know nothing about Rogues so ill take your word for it but that surprises me.

Sin if you have more than 200% mastery then you can play with one hand and still be top 5 in the damage meter.

Monk (both Brew and Wind) - both have things that proc from basics
Shaman (Enhancement) - Windfury attacks proc from basics, and more windfury is more win
Warrior (all specs) - More basics = More rage = more everything else. Special note for Prot: Devastator exists.
DH (Havoc) - See Prot above but Demon Blades
Druid (Guardian and Feral) - Bears have Tooth and Claw while cats have Omen of Clarity
Hunter (Survival) - Lunge
Paladin (Ret) - A slew of things that build into making basics better

Arcane mage and Resto druid clearly

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Unless haste reduces its cooldown, it seems like garbage, even on paper.


The 10s cooldown makes it seem pretty worthless compared to most other tinkers, but I admit I haven’t actually looked into what’s recommended in Remix. I’ve just been using gems based on my gut feeling.


It felt pretty good when I was playing warrior. Instantly fills rage bar

Hey now, if you aren’t kitty-weaving are you really playing resto? xD

It was probably the tinker that made the biggest difference while leveling my warrior as arms. Melee is also a significant portion of your damage at low levels, so it’s almost like a one shot proc at certain levels.

At cap it gets overshadowed because you’ll have enough haste and crit to be swimming in rage anyway. Can sub it out then.

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