You don’t really need to stack mastery as an MM Hunter to reach Balance Druid’s range, you’d stack it to surpass it.
But since you also wanna be all “actually” about it, MM Hunters also have Sniper Shot…
You don’t really need to stack mastery as an MM Hunter to reach Balance Druid’s range, you’d stack it to surpass it.
But since you also wanna be all “actually” about it, MM Hunters also have Sniper Shot…
Yes I know which increases their range after use for a limited time, but it is also a pvp spell. I was thinking about being a MM main in df. I have played MM off and on since vanilla what drew me to it was aim shot had a ms effect way back in the day then it was removed. I think it should be returned but that is another rant/issue.
Point is to increase MM hunter range you would need mastery reach Boomkin range for abilities, but base Boomkin druid has the longest attack range if you did not put mastery on a MM hunter.
It is the most fun for me. I really do not like what they did with outlaw, but the pirate fantasy fits so I guess its fine. Sub is cool but I just could not enjoy it for some reason, I like the shadow damage aspect.
I have not looked at the rogue at all in DF beta though so my mind may change.
They all ez
All those abilities help you kill things, though.
Assassination is the most forgiving and easiest to play.