What I wrote was for pve cause that’s what op asked for. Cool write up tho
It boils down which spec YOU enjoy playing. If you don’t enjoy it, it doesn’t matter if its easy or not. I love outlaw and I play it in PVE and PVP. I quit PVE because of the tedious grind on same crap over and over with maybe a chance you get some gear. PVP its always different and I can choose the gear i want and need and dont have to worry bout chance to get my gear.
Also I don’t let people tell me what spec i should play for pvp. All the elites tell me to play assas i pvp and i don’t and im doing ok and I am still learning how to play rogue. I pay for my game so I will play what and how I want.
You play what’s fun for you and just take suggestions and don’t listen to the haters and you will have fun in WOW.
This is my profile I changed my name.
Outlaw is easy but has so many buffs to maintain it can be annoying. Roll the bones, slice and dice, between the eyes. Like good lord let us just use combo points to murder things.
Even S4 MM with tier set and Lego? I am considering a rogue for dragonflight and I am wondering if I could adjust easily to it. I picked up MM this season and found it very easy but I assumed it was because of the current gameplay depending on tier set and leggo synergy for aimed shot.
I switched to assassin, my usual favorite, to test this. Outlaw is still my choice but there is a good chance I’m doing it wrong
Probably depends if you want to control a pet all the time or not. I mained a lock for a lot of years and swapped to monk then ret then rogue, and that was after trying all classes except shaman. At first i didnt think i’d like the stealth mechanic/combo points mechanic too much, and at first i didnt. now i main it. Even leveled a hunter and tried it. But i personally cant get controlling a pet again. I want to play Survival but that trap bug that refuses to get fixed being such a good root talent really made me think otherwise
I play only marksmanship because this spec doesn’t use a pet in group content.
Me too it’s the stealth and combo points that don’t appeal to me.
There’s a chance i might swap and also main Evoker so i can play 2 classes. and TBH to feel fluidly in playing rogue, i had to make a ton of changes to my addons. even made a change the other day to better know when i get a Shadow Dance charge (a good visual).
I know i rarely saw people take Lone Wolf for MM because apparently the bonus it gave use to not be good? I suppose if i did play MM and didnt want to play survival that id go MM for no pet too. Traps arent too bad to land. I also didnt realize until recently Camo couldnt be clicked again until you come out of it and then the CD starts (thought for sure they use to be able to just click it again right after its CD to stay stealthed.
Sub is and always will be one of the higher skill cap classes you will make in this game. Maintaining Rupture and SnD is one thing, knowing when to refresh properly between Dances and not waste your Shadowstrikes during windows so further invesment into finishers to feed into CDR on Dance is another. All of our big dmg comes from within Shadow Dance windows. Sub is built in mech to burst out of stealth with cd’s to put in and spend as much CP as possible to be able to re-enter Shadow Dance or get a significant CDR on Dance if positioning/timing/energy is off you just screwed up a large portion of your dps. Further more you do not JUST Shadow Blades, its a large CD always paired with trinkets and decent up time on ur pandemic.
Aoe: is not just Shuriken and Black powder if you are doing so on 1-3 target cleave and think you are being productive in doing so you are a moron. Shuriken into BlackPowder is never worth it with anything less than 5CP always paired with Symbols and dance, on 1-3 mob you execute your rotation as though your doing Single Target with Rupture applied to all if they will live for the duration.
I think you’re simplifying AOE a bit.
you’re going to want to use flagellation, when you get the right amount of stacks you want to pop trinket and symbols, also you should be weaving shadowdance into your shuriken/black powder spams, especially when you’ve got two charges available. Depending on your talents you get a lot of benefits from shifting into shadow dance that helps pump your shuriken/black powder spam.
A two button spam rotation is actually more like 6 buttons with a trinket. The difference between what im describing and just pressing two buttons is actually huge. Thats what sets good sub rogues apart
Exactly thank for the follow up @Fawther i realize my explanation was vague.
Also is the reason planned execution is favored in M+ because you would essentially dance,symbols,shuriken,powder.
Your question is kind of difficult to answer, because if you’re looking for an easy class to play at its maximum capacity, hunter and paladin are your best bets. But you’re asking specifically about rogues, so we’ll talk about them. If you want a super high end, totally end game M15+, 25 man hardcore raid toon, and you’re asking that question, just give up now. It takes WAY more info than these forums can provide you.
However, if you’re like me and you just want some basic competency for solo play, maybe some LFR/5-man heroics, etc., then keep reading:
1 (opener) garrotte →
2 mutilate (to 5 combo points) →
3 Rupture →
4 mutilate (to 5 combo points) →
5 Envenom →
6+ repeat steps 1 through 5
Coincidentally, Feral Druid is just Assassination Rogue with different ability names, and regrowth as a proc in lieu of crimson vial that procs off finishers.
Outlaw: (opener) Ambush/Cheapshot →
1 Sinister Strike (to 5 combo points) →
2 Slice and Dice →
3 Sinister Strike (to 5 combo points) →
4 Dispatch →
5+ repeat 1 through 4. Pistol shot when its free, crimson vial when needed, blade flurry if 3+ mobs. You won’t be 1337, but you will kill things and survive.
Imo, go with sin. Its more forgiving and you get to watch em melt with all them dots.
Assuming you don’t die first to 50k crits. I suppose you can lay there in ghost form and watch.
I cant speak to sub cause rarely play it but with outlaw I litteraly only press SnD during my opener sometimes not even then due to grand melee
Actually no that is Boomkin and their arcane passive. If mm stacks mastery then you can reach Boomkin range.
See I think assassin is the easiest for me at least,
For sin its make sure you have your poisons and then maintain rupture, and Garrote and when those are going just Envenom. And as stated s&d gets 16 seconds added on to its duration per finishing move so envenom and rupture add time for it.
For sin its fan on knives and rupture then tab to the next target and rupture, and reapeat every tick of rupture and garrote on a target with Deadly poison gives 8 energy so with both on 1 enemy thats 16 energy every tick of the dot. and rupture is easy to spam spread and soon you will be getting a lot of energy back.
I find sin a lot easier than sub. When i try sub I get distracted working on rotation that i forgot to watch for mechanics and yea.
You will find that a lot of people love lone wolf because they do not want to use the pet. It is said that a pet is 10% dps so lone wolf is just giving the extra damage. Personally I only play MM and I love having a pet to tank and I do nto like lone wolf it should be removed imo. This being said I do understand a lot of people enjoy it and use it.
Problem is that without the pet a mm hunter cant lust.
You forgot S&D you want that for your first 5 point combo then rupture
Assassination. Put up all of your bleeds and pump out as many Envenoms as possible