Which Race?

Don’t go Zandalari.

Kul Tiran are quite handsome.

/licks index finger and places it on booty


You want me put that fire out or make it larger?

Y’all get a room!

I decided on Dark Iron Dwarf, they have a great self cleanse/stat buff. I’d probably go void elf if I ever want to change for the damage does not delay spells when casting.

Been thinking heavily on whether to change to Night elf. I like dwarfs for their racials, also cus dwarfs…but i feel Night elf is just so strong for M+. Being able to selectively ignore certain mechanics just seems so strong.

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My monk is nelf, I even used more nelf like animals for the avatars: sabre for tiger, plainstalker for crane. Really I’d go with what appeals to you most.