Which Race?

Kul Tirans are human, just live on a different continent


I like human monks, but I must say pandarens have the best animation and they just feel right :smiley:


I like orc when you go for a blademaster look.


Here is mine:


Edit: lol, can’t even link to blizzard’s own armory page.

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I’ll throw my sentiment in, for what it’s worth: I just made a new monk and was determined to make use of the great customization options the classic Draenei have. It’s been a lot of fun with their animations. I think they’re extra height, their tails, and horns add to the overall aesthetic of a fantasy martial artist for me.

I also like the concept of a refugee race - much like the pandaren were and their reason for becoming monks in the first place. Though perhaps the Draenei and other non-pandaren races approach being a monk more about internal serenity than a desire to overthrow the yolk of oppressive mogu masters.


Since the Allied races are now easy to unlock I went Nightborne and really enjoying lvl’ing up via random bgs and dungeons.

Not Vulpera, that’s for sure!

Gnome or bust

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With a lack of height - how are you supposed to make use of “Spinning Crane, Raising Sun, or Blackout Kicks” ?

/glides fingers along slender legs

orc of course

I would say Human or Night Elf. Night Elf for Shadowmeld. Draenei and Worgen racials aren’t all that useful for Monk.

I chose Gnome. Not only is it cool to see this tiny ball of fury, but they have increased energy and Escape Artist racial allows you to free yourself from snares and roots (which was ever so annoying on my other characters in dungeons). Looks great in monk attire.

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It’s kinda like Liu Kang’s bicycle kick from Mortal Kombat. We just jump impossibly high and start spinning and kicking. :laughing:

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Fair enough.

I agree with all of that. Don’t forget too that as Void Elves we have the Spacial Rift racial which allows for some interesting gameplay as a Monk (a mid-fight transcendence). Preternatural Calm allows us to spell-cast without interruption (great for healing). Entropic Embrace improves our healing by 5%.

For BM, Kul Tiran goes hard. Fits the fantasy in its own cool way


Human of course, they also have great damage bonus racials

Orcs…somehow, one of the few races on horde that ACTUALLY look good with a lot of the Monk Tmog next to Blood elves.

Otherwise racials don’t offer a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, unless you are purely doing 1 form of content.

Humans fit well imo.

Horde side im lvling a female nightborn and seems kinda good aesthetically

I think the human passive racial s also a good option plus the active stun “trinket” feels really good at least on pvp

I’ve leveled several monks to 70 this xpac, mostly humans or kul’tirans for looks.

I’m in the process of trying to narrow down my game time to focusing on just one character. Mechagnome makes sense to me right now because Skeleton Pinkie prevents me from itching to play a Rogue and the professions passive is just a nice quality of life improvement overall, especially when paired with Zen Flight.

The transmog options are terrible, but I’m working on that.

I see your offer and raise you balding WITH a ponytail. Love that one lol

That monk was human then you went KT? It currently shows ya as KT lol

So I don’t care for panda monk cause it’s basic and much too on the nose, but Panda melee animations are the best in the game lol.Chefs kiss. I keep wanting to make a warrior one but the belly flop annoys me nowadays.

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It was human. When I server swapped I had to adjust my name slightly so I decided to go KT bc I love them and I feel they need more representation in game. I just wish blizz would finally give some much needed customizations.

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