Folks have a hard enough time just understanding the basics of elves. Don’t confuse them more
Baby steps.
I wish they’d do away with racial abilities/perks.
Species I wish we had (in no parcicular order):
Gnoll (vanilla derpy Gnoll could be “Body 2”, no ‘female’ sexual dimorphism)
The Pigmen from Razorfen (not sure what the name of the species is)
Actual Mechagnomes from WotLK
Those cat dudes from Tol’Vir.
…and last, but certainly not least…
I’m sure I’ve forgotten a bunch. Basically everything. I want to be able to play as everything.
If I had to pick JUST ONE, though… Saurok probably, or one of the other (are there any other) lizard man races. Love me some Lizard Mans.
But to answer the question.
We’ve been asking for playable Ethereals since TBC.
something with more or less than two legs would be neat
Half races. Could you imagine a tiny cow-man?!
Ogres and Krokul. Rise of the Uggos. You pick the faction, but I’m all for a “swap” with an ogre tribe joining the Alliance and a Broken harborage joining The Horde.
Dryad/Cenarion for allies via Elune’s & Cenarius’Blessing
Ogres/Centaur for hordes via the Tauren and Orc diplomacy
High elves are just blue eyed blood elves. So since you immediately broke your own rule, i will too.
Id like to see Gill Goblins still. I loved them in bfa, and want to see more.
Id also like mogu and jinyu too. That would satisfy me
Not going to happen until well after they stop serving the Old Gods and Azshara is dead dead. And even then, neither side will likely trust them for a long time. It’s not like the Manari, where the general draenei society will get used to seeing red skin occasionally. Or like the orcs who have gotten used to seeing green as well. The Naga stopped being elves in every conceivable way. There’s no way any of the elven societies would be able to reconcile with them.
Would require building an entirely new/massive updates to the existing model frame. Not to mention the weapon and armor model framing requirements.
We already have the Dracthyr, who are just one of many variants of Dragonspawn (which includes all versions of both 2 and 4 legged variants). The dracthyr are somewhat unique in that they are a successful result of Deathwing’s Chromatic flight experiments (which Nefarian continued mostly only partially successfully at best). They work as playable because they never had an actual Flight they were dedicated to. Being solely mind slaved loyal to Deathwing himself in secret. That same concept doesn’t quite work with the conventional Dragonspawn.
That could be neat.
They still willingly and fervently serve the Old Gods. Even during MoP, they only helped us because the Sha were distracting the Empress from their servitude to the Old Gods, and as soon as that was taken care of jumped right in with Garrosh because he was working to restore the Old God Y’Shaarj. It would take a TWW Nerubian level storyline just to even get that in motion. And unlike the Nerubians, the Mantid show no signs of not wanting to serve the Old Gods.
Both species are hyper-canibalistic and actively hunt other sentient humanoid races to eat them.
Gnolls are barely sapient, and can hardly remember much beyond even a full day if it doesn’t involve fighting or eating someone. Any gnoll smart enough to be a player, would have become a pack leader of a clan. And even that is just usually smart enough to know how to make plans or stay focused on something for longer than a few days.
Saberon are definitely intelligent. But again not only actively hunt and eat other sentient races, but they do it solely because they enjoy it. On top of that only, a tiny handful of them can even develop the ability to speak.
The Quilboar/Quillboar. Their entire culture is built on controlling and protecting the areas where their god’s blood fell and created the thorned areas. The ones in Kul Tiras use human blood (and that of the other races) to feed and grow the thorn dens.
Again, neither side will want anything to do with them, other than fighting them in hopes of getting rid of them permanently.
One we’ve been asking for since Wrath.
Also, I’m hoping the Taunka became either a playable allied Horde race or a cosmetic option for the OG Tauren. I would race change/appearance change this character instantly in either situation just to get a face that allowed me to actually close my mouth and not look like a sheep with downs any more.
We’ve been ready for Ogres since WOD.
Also, High Elves.
/10 chars
All I want is a buzz saw hand ngl.
What would a High Elf be then? That’s what High Elves are physically.
Due to player feedback.
I wouldnt expect any race overly ugly or with any possible mogging issues.
More than one head? More than two arms? Less than or more than 2 legs?
Off the table, since it would conflict with nearly all feedback about not wanting races like that.
Unfortunately, this is probably the case.
I thought Jinyu and Hozen would be appropriate races to be added but I think the armour would be hard to model for them. The Hozen at least would be brutal to mog.
Ogres are essential. I’d race change my warlock instantly. Mecha Kul Tirans maybe lol
Murlocs. Upgraded graphics, various colours depending on where they come from. Just keep the dance moves, best in the game.
They stopped serving the Old Gods the exact second N’zoth stopped being able to hold their ability to breath hostage.
On account of N’zoth being dead.
As for Azshara she’ll happily throw herself at whatever greater power she thinks will have her and there’s no reason to think she wouldn’t consider either of the playable factions for that given how strong they’ve proven to be.
No one gonna say Vrykul? Them for the alliance and Ogre for the horde., I would play tf out of both.
Gnolls, or Saberon… Make Hogger the King of Gnolls. We need a faction leader we can trust.