Which race you would like see next ? not recolored

No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t say that at all. Anywhere. The High Elves of Azeroth are not half elves.

The High Elves and the Blood Elves are the same people. The Blood Elves used to be High Elves until very recently in lore history. They split over ethical differences about the use of fel magic, but they are still the same race.

In fact, Night Elves and Thalassian Elves (the race of elves that produce Blood Elf, Void Elf, and High Elf factions - again, all three of those are the SAME PEOPLE/SAME race) are both descendants of the Highbourne elves.

All of 'em are descended from trolls.

High Elves and Blood Elves (and Void Elves) are the same, and any of them who mated with humans to produce half-elf kids…that’s a completely different thing, very rare, and not a separate race within game lore.


This. I really thought the KT would be like the Vrykul model, and was sorely disappointed. I want to play giant vikings!!


The drakonids.
The thicker dracthyr who cannot fly.

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high elves and blood elves are the same thing. so high elves on alliance would be a recolor. stop living in denial.

Arakkoa or Ethereals

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What would you even recolor? The underwear? High elves aren’t even good enough to consider a recolor, they’re just the same race. They’d even have the same racials.


Unless Blizzard adds High Elves with a unique model, there isn’t much point (and even then, those could just be body options 3 and 4 for Blood/Void Elves anyways).

The Alexstraza and Nozdormu models would be a good base as to where to start, but please, for the love of all that is sacred, no Night Elf casting animations on the Nozdormu model.

Anyways, as for a unique race… a centaur race would be pretty awesome. Maybe the Vorkai from the Shadowlands for the Alliance (give the Night Elves some more friends), and Centaur for the Horde?


Hence the AND in my original statement. The Naga are unyieldingly loyal to Azshara. So they serve whoever she is backing. Need both to no longer be the situation before the Naga could even begin to think about being picked up by any faction. And even then, still no one’s going to trust them for a loooooooong time.

Just write in a 30 min redemption quest.

We some how trusted red space goats instantly.

Also. Being sarcastic.


Both are hyper-cannibalistic and actively enjoy hunting other sentients for food and sport.

Not to mention, Gnolls are worse than Kobolds as far as intelligence goes. They have trouble even remembering major bits of information (like who not to eat) for a full day without it being attached to something that is literally shiny. That’s not even an exaggeration or a joke, but a statement of fact regarding their behavior we know thanks to Kirin Tor direct interaction and study of the species.

And Saberon are typically non-verbal with only a very very few exceptions.


Sethrak :snake:
Murloc :shark:

Wrath-style Mechagnomes :robot:

Saberon :cat:


The race in WoW I’d like to see next would be Sethrak or Ethereal.

It’d also be cool if they brought in a race of invisible humans with only glowing eyes (and maybe tattoos) to mark their presence. I’d love to have a character that looked like clothes/armour walking by itself.

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Ogres and Ethereals available for both Ally and Horde.


Ethereals are good though!


Something entirely new that isn’t just a reskin?


I want to play a two-headed Ogre Mage or Warlock.


I would absolutely love to play as a Mantid! :3

Personally I want to see the Furbolg for the Alliance and the Ogres for the Horde. (And I’d pair them together too).

Thats just my most wanted right now though.


Satyr and Ashtongue.


I would love to see Murlocs, Naga, and Vyrkul become playable races.


You will enjoy your half Elf-HALF dwarf Dwelves and like them! (Hey you said a Half Elf Half Human… never mentioned any of the others as a forbidden combination :wink:)

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