Which race you would like see next ? not recolored


They are BA.


I’m not sure why paladins are always a point about high elves. High elves never had paladins. Paladins are a blood elf trait.

High elves are largely rangers from Alleria’s expedition or mages from Dalaran.


Being in the Alliance Silver covenant is one of the largest arguments for High Elves usually brought up against why they aren’t just Alliance Blood Elves.


counterpoint: adds another dwarf race

Seth. Rak. :snake:

Also/or following up on that DF questline that seemed to be obviously leading to playable Drakonid before it went nowhere would be nice.

Silver covenant isn’t paladins though. It’s just Vereesa and her Farstriders. Pretty sure all the Dalaran Alliance guards in WotLK were just high elf rangers.


Silver Covenant is just a militant anti-blood elf hate group. Lead by a ranger and primarily consisting of Dalaran residents. Other than the 1 paladin trainer I don’t even remember any Silver Covenant paladins even. They’re mostly rangers or mages with a few Spellblades and Spellbows around.


Setrakk - Horde
Gnow - Neutral


Those guys who give the Winterpelt rep. I forget what they’re called. The bear guys.

Out of everything, we got trash *** earthen

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Got me there. :joy:

Personally, I’d like to see no new races and more time put into the game itself. I think the game has gotten progressively worse from around the time they started adding weird races.
If the wide range of races already on offer isn’t enough, and more are required to keep you interested, then the game itself is the problem and new races won’t fix that.

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Exactly, they’re pretty much High Elves that hate other High Elves. Biologically nothing changed about a Blood Elf when they reestablished Silvermoon following the pre-TBC massacre of Qeul’thalas by DK Arthas, they’re still biologically High Elves, especially now that any Fel is largely cleansed by the new Sunwell.

Even Dark Irons and Lightforged have some modification to them to be somewhat different from their base race, the closest thing to a “High Elf” we have currently available is a High Mountain Tauren, and even those have different horns.

We don’t need more recolored races branded as ARs, more things like Vulpera or even Kul’tirans who have an entirely different skeleton even.

:point_up_2: I’d be fine with few if any more races, given what we’ve gotten so far, but the old core ones many of which are out of date by any post 2010 standard REALLY need a touch up.

I’m talkign jewelry and tattoo/scar options, the Dracthyr body preset options, race based customizations, etc.


I’m with all the people that vote Ogre! :saluting_face:


Ogres and Vrykul. Ogres are easy to add to the Horde lore wise and Vrykul are the forefathers of humans. Adding them both at the same time would also balance out size of Alliance and Horde races because each faction would get another very big option.


Forgot to mention one more ya’ll the Lich! All of WotLK and Shadowlands we keep seeing them but we can’t play them… I’d love to play one.

anything that is not an elf or a human, or some kind of abomination hybrid of elf and human. just no more of that please for the love of thrall…

will happily take sethrak or gnolls!


All Warcraft elves are the same race of elves. High Elf is just the title given to the arcane using aristocracy/nobility of Night Elf society. They came in all the colors we currently have among elves in WoW today (Go rewatch the Azshara Harbingers cinematic).

Blood Elves are LITERALLY High Elves. Void Elves are just Blood Elves banished from Quel’Thelas for experimenting with the Void. Void Elves are LITERALLY High Elves.
The Nightborne are also literally High Elves.

Not to mention, Night Elves now have every character customization to give them the “conventional” High Elf appearances ever since the story supported some High Elves returning to the main NE society to teach them how to be mages again.

Seriously, why do so many folks still not understand how elves in Warcraft work?

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The only acceptable answer, is ogres


Imagine not knowing that high elves are noble decendants from Night Elves.

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Technically you could say that elves are trolls too.

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