Which race would taste the best if eaten?

nightborne taste like wine probably so i’m gonna go with them…
id suck down some troll meat too

They say humans taste like chicken. Therefore chicken tastes like human.

I just assumed stew, to be honest. Though, I guess clean water is in short supply in Vol’dun.


Yall scary up in here…


It’s all in the seasoning.

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Now that I think of it, I could go for some beer-battered ribs…


Every time I give PI to a boomkin I imagine I am cracking some seasoning over top of them to bring out the magical flavor

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tauren or pandas probably.

err a little more toward pandas, tauren while probably similar to beef would be too tough whereas pandas would probably be very similar to just regular bear meat.

other than that you have meme answers like gnome and stuff.

This is the real reason they gave us Tauren Rogues. Too many people want to eat us and we need a way to hide.


I taste like sweat and failed dreams
Also a little gamey

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Sniffs the Draeni

This is a trap… I smell Fox pelts in your inventory!

Runs away!


No totally not us nope not at all. Why are you looking at me like that?

No this isn’t honey mustard bbq sauce it’s tauren sunblock.

Da hell is this???

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Is that the close up view?

bbq’d gnome ribs and chocolate covered gnome toes with sprinkles.


I… I don’t know.

I’m confused and scared.


You know I’m biased. the best thing i can make is a cheese, asparagus, and gnome casserole. And that’s literally foodgasmic… so yeah, i’m gonna stick with gnomes.

gnomes taste best
With garlic, Adobo, and cheese.

Edit: remeber to de-bone the gnomes <3

LMAO!!! Great post.

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What is asparagus really a casserole item? I thought that was supposed to be broccoli? Do you cut it up or lay it longways next to the tender gnome meat