Probably I will play a lot as DK in Shadowlands, so which race do you guys prefer and why? I’ve been having a struggle deciding which race to use, so ideas would be nice to hear (not just gameplaywise for racials, but lore and looks also matters to me, that’s why I’d like to see others perspective
I guess we wont see that much of change compared to BFA when it comes to races because we havn’t seen any changes to the racials.
I went Pandaren DK for the simple fact that the women have massive butts, and there is a grand total of maybe 3 Pandaren DK’s in all existence.
In terms of usage though, for the Alliance, I would roll Dwarf because their racial is the ultimate tanker tool. It makes killing DK’s that much harder.
Or mechagnome for the racials (transmog sucks tho)
Fem Nelf, I am really loving that Shaggy Hairstyle and have been messing with Transmogs on the PTR. I have an LF Draenei one atm but realyl debating to shell out for the race change or relevel a DK.
The first question is how hardcore are you?
If all you want to do is min/max then your options are limited. However, if you accept the fact that racials only play a minimal role in your performance you can pick whatever looks coolest to you.
For Shadowlands I and going to run my DK as Draenei this time. Count care less about the racial abilities anymore. That said human feels nice as DK given Arthas and all.
I don’t care about racials too much, yeah, it could be a factor, but for me is more important the race story and the looks, I like 3 races by now for those all 3 factors, that’s why I want opinions about that from other perspectives because I already know which ones are cool to me, with others perspectives I could maybe narrow that decision easier. Opinions just based in one of the 3 points are not that helpful to me, but still I appreciate your opinions ^^
Considering how I make this look damn fine…
Gotta be Worgen. The Hunch just makes it.
The mobility racials really help too.
Mechagnome for Strength Stacking
Void Elf for Mastery Stacking
Kul Tiran for Versatility Stacking
Night Elves for a broken racial as well as 1% damage redox from Cadaverous Pallor, haste and crit interchangeability for a bit of versatile secondary stats
Draenei for the ultimate balance as well as a nifty 20% heal over time scaled with Vers and Vampiric Blood
Worgen for Icecap
Dwarves for tanking, Dark Iron for DPSing, both have strong racials to remove bleeds and disease to make themselves stronger and hit harder respectively.
Go Kul Tiran or go home.
If you want the story experience go Human, its the original DK race (Prince Arthas).
Void Elf for mobility. Dwarf because bleed dropping in a vampire raid is broken. Dark Iron because they doesn’t afraid of anything. Human for last patch throughput+stun break.
Void Elf because its very contradictory from both angles. Death and void don’t mix well and you are literally an agent of death and void.
Void Elf, I picked not only because I love blue based elves but Spatial Rift is another form of movement. Think of it like a worse door of shadows
Make another Worgen, i really like this Worgen DK.
For me a plate-wearing, slow moving DK look best when big and scary looking…Worgen’s are one of the few Alliance races that fit that description with Draenei being the other one.
Armour typically looks good, especially the big shoulders.
Also a nice touch is that Worgen’s run animation isn’t actually running…they take big walking strides (which you’d know on your druid) which again fits the slow-moving but unstoppable DK theme - slowly stalking enemies down.
The voice also has that rough, low growl to it when saying ‘i need to get closer/I don’t have a target’ etc.
I did some class trials to check out other DK races (which you should do too) and the small character/armour size, running animations and high pitched voices really put me off most of them.
All armor is made specifically for humans above all others, so if you care about looking cool human is the best bet for the Alliance.
I wish forsaken had nathanos-styled human models.
Butch female void elf
Worgen for racial sprint. To help mobility issues
Gonna challenge that statement as imo no race in this game rocks the pure beast mode look of a Draenei in full plate armor. Proportions of a bodybuilder in a near 8 foot body. Side note i would also consider the Zandalari troll race for looks/proportions in plate but they need some damn shoes man
Human, I hate that they turned Acherus into Disneyland.