Which race in the Alliance you prefer for DK?

Go ahead and put my helmet on.
I’ll wait.

Humans just lack the shoulder width to properly rock the bulky plate in this game sadly - ruins it for me. They just seem a bit…scrunched up

Funny you mention the helmet… your mog is mint and is the next set im hunting for but that helmet is 2 large for the body man

Thats my only gripe about that set in fact…helms just a bit 2 big

On you, maybe, with your huge draenei forehead.

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Cant deny that, this hairstyle really pops that sucker out there

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I’m going either Draenei,Human or VE. They all look good. It might come down to which one looks best on Invincible.

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VE (female) does not suit plate armour well IMO. The only set that looks really good on that velf/belf frame is the horde darkshore set.