Which race for a horde warrior?

thinkin of either going big ‘n’ beefy orc man, or a small ‘n’ adorable goblin gal.

both are really intriguing to me.

as an orc warrior is classic, being a big ol mad-boy stompin across azeroth, slaying alliance and bringing glory to the horde… plus that stun-racial sounds pretty good.

however, goblin women are (in my opinion) the cutest in the game, their racials are pretty-dang sweet, that rocket jump? IMMENSLY helpful (i tend to fall a lot), and their voice/animations/dance? (chef’s kiss)

so, which do you folks think is a better pick for a horde warrior?


For me… my warr could only be either a orc or Tauren… landed on a high mountain to be a moose and grab that sweet heritage mog

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I have a Goblin Warrior myself! So yes, that one.

Yes, I’m biased! Wow!


Make undead warrior looks pretty good too.


Orc or Tauren.


My Goblin warrior, currently farming the Molten Front to buy blacksmithing patterns:

She’s so cute that someone asked her one day what race she is. And when she told them, they were like “Nevermind”.

Then there’s my Nightborne warrior. They look fabulous in plate.

Looking good is important.


Vulpera. And call it, “Whoeletdafoxout.” :upside_down_face:


I have a max level human warrior that I love, but I also just made a female Mag’har orc warrior. Both look sick AF.

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Goblin Warrior.

Especially if they have abs.


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Orc Warrior
Tauren Warrior
Mag’har Warrior
HMT Warrior

In that order.


That Rocket boost racial does seem awfully good for a Warrior. Could go Zanda for the healing racial, and the glide is handy since you have issues with failling.

Also if you didnt know, you can use Heroic leap to negate fall damage if you time it corectly

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The orc warrior sounds good. Although during classic I played a tauren warrior because I wanted to be this monstrous 2hand-wielding behemoth

Orcs have gotten a lot of interesting customizations and their animations are pretty cool.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Provided the elusive path exists.

That path is awfully hard to find…


I personally prefer the Zalandari trolls for the crit buff but I say go with whatever you enjoy and looks the best to you. But for racial I say orc but for looks go goblin.


It sounds like you’d be happier as a gobin female warrior. Honestly, check out how the armor looks on her and see if you like it.

Personally, I’d choose an orc warrior, but I’m not you.

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Wow! Here’s my Goblin Warrior! She looks like a Paladin because she tries to scam people out of gold by performing ‘blessings’ and such.

…She’s nice otherwise though! Promise!

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Between Goblin and Orc?


Im just going to eventually have one of every race. I think I have 7 or 8. 2 at lvl 1 waiting to be leveled up.

If you want big and beefy Tauren is an easy pick.

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Panda Warrior!



Between that and your transmog… :heart_eyes:

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I’m partial to tauren. They look great in plate, they look right wielding gigantic weapons, and they don’t have the weird stumpy proportions of orcs.

Goblins don’t do anything for me. Dwarves and gnomes are the superior unfurred short races.