Which race do you think is cooler? Sethrak or Naga?

I’m gonna go with option four as the winner. Not a fan of Sssssethrak sssspeak sssso to ssssay. :wink:

Naga been ‘meh’ trash mobs forever. I don’t see myself as a Slithering Hero Champion Commander Trash Mob…though the irony of it is comical so yeah, Naga over Sethrak for coolness.

Naga have nostalgia/history backing them up but I still think Sethrak overall are cooler personally.


Sethrak, snek bois go sssSSSsss

Naga every day

naga are the shadiest, treacherous snakes ever

i love them

Sneaky Snakes :snake:

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Sethrak are just discount naga. Also naga have superior tails.

Sethrak have actual personalities. The naga are all simps for Azshara.

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DEF Sethrak - I mean their little danglies are just HANGING there, meanwhile Naga DRAG those poor things…

I mean if this post was “which one is more b4d4ss” TOTALLY Naga, guys straight slanging their junk on the ROCKS!

Sethrak are “cooler” because airflow is crucial.


Normally the Naga are in the deep ocean though, shouldn’t they technically be cooler?

Also I’d assume they’d be internal dangles for both~

I kinda dug that Sethrak didn’t have any differences between genders.

also /boopthesnoot