Which race do you think is cooler? Sethrak or Naga?

Both have many similarities:

  1. They are both reptilian in nature.
  2. They both have similarities to the worgen in terms of rig.
  3. They both were prominent in bfa.
  4. Both are definitely never going to be playable.

So which is it for you?

Danger noodles are superior.


Naga by a nautical mile.

Sethrak look utterly ridiculous. My first look at them in game was disrupted by giggling.


Sethrak. :snake:


Same thing, just different shapes.

Sethrak. Naga are just evil mutants.


Sethrak for sure.


Naga are so ugly, and their bright green color hurts my soul.

Why do we have to decide D:

I guess Seth’rak because they’re not Elves. Fresh new races with their own history and lore/loa is pretty exciting than…fish Highborne.

Sethrak, and they’d be a great addition to the Horde just like the Vulpera. :grinning:

Naga, they’ve been a threat to us for awhile. The Sethrak had a hard time keeping rat goblins in check

RIP original Swiftraven

To answer your thread, Sethrak.

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I love both.

But I love the naga more. The back story, the aquatic nature and everything that would go with it I think they and their world is totally fascinating! And the ocean terrifies me!

I would make so many of them.

I do overall like the sethrak body more as our skinny male options on alliance are terrible.

Big no to the naga, like we need trade chat to be any worse than it already is

Sethrak by a mile.

I thought it was the sethrak that were green

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Sethrak by a wide margin. The Devoted are affectionate snake people. You don’t see a lot of positive snake people in gaming or stories. Makes the hidden jerkiness of their vulpera counterparts more interesting in comparison.


I made this character to meme him long ago. It was a gnome version of his blood elf.

Excuse moi?

They might be referring to the sea foam/teal green Naga have vs. the…I guess lime green of the Seth’rak.

:woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

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A massive number of vulpera are pirates, your ‘scavenging’ is just thievery under a new name, and you’re like vicious rabid foxes when prodded. Your cute outer layer is a fine guise.
Makes you a fantastic Horde race, and only the unaware dispute that.