Which race do you think is cooler? Sethrak or Naga?

The Vulpera are a legit great race for the Horde.

I am. By “bright green,” I did indeed mean lime green. It’s ugly. I mean, naga in general are ugly, but the MS Paint color palette doesn’t help.

“The Sethrak were Elves once. But they were seduced by the sand. It was course, rough, and irritating, and suddenly before they knew it, it had gotten everywhere, and they became snake people.”


I shall take this as a compliment.

Truth once again from Caelus.

#Give Worgen Tails - #2744 by Albien-draenor

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Who said this?

Naga, probably just because they’re bigger.

Naga are more snake than Sethrak. They are better at magic too and have an aquatic theme which we are missing from our roster.

But if you asked me… I would say they would work on the Horde better than the alliance.

Tyrande wouldn’t even give Nightborne a chance.

All in all, I would rather go Ethereal, Dragon, broken Draenei or Dryad for the Alliance over those two.

I did, just then, in this very thread!

I was just making a joke based on how every race seems to need to be super closely related to each other in the Blizzard lore.


Does neither work for your answer?

Trying to imagine a naga on a horse just makes my mind go na na na. And playing a snake is not high on my list of things I want to do.

I like both. Hopefully one day they will join the horde.

Neither. I dont want them as playable races.
enough with a new thread every 5 seconds of the “omfgherd these must be playable”

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Both are skinnable and probably fry up nicely

:musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: Every party needs a pooper that’s why they invited you… :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:

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There is no party lol. Just loads of salt threads from people complaining they got mechagnomes instead of sethrak. These threads are more entertaining then anything.

Ok pooper.

Naga, Sethrak are basically furries.

Naga both in coolness and rich lore

Not crazy about either.

Naga are just elves of some sort that want to kill me.

Sethrak are ok, but they don’t do anything for me.

Would rather have ogres.

Sethrak live in the desert and Naga live in the water.

Doesn’t take a genius to figure this one out.

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