Which Path Did You Take?

No it can’t. lol.

Why should it not be able to consum blight? It can consum fel, it can consum arcane magic and light…why should it have any problems by consuming blight?

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where does it consume all of those other things?

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Thousand years of war?
In the War-Campaign?
Void is like a black hole, it can - canonically - consum everything.

Got a source? Or is this just another assumption by you? :wolf:

war-Campaign? Diplomats and goblins and goblins machine were consumed alike (voidelf-parts)
Thousand years of war …you are welcome to read it for yourself. (its puplic for everyone)

and which assumptions are you accusing me?

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Do you have proof of it consuming the blight. That was your claim

If the void gates can open a portal between where the portal is and the void of space…
You can literally vacuum anything.

Like this:

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have you proof it can not consum blight?

I mean, we have seen that void can consume even more destructive powers like fel? …you have to proof that the void CAN`T consum blight because your statement ist that alleria would have not been able to consume it via their void power?

we haven´t seen right now not a power that can´t be consumed by void, so its your duty to proof that void can not consume it.

I didn’t make a claim, you did. Get some proof

ren made this claim, and i argued with her :wink: you answered this by talking to me.

I asked for proof, which you yet to give. Stop avoiding and answer with some proof

ähem, your point first, proof that it can not…by proofing that the void can not consume everything first :wink: This is the lore right now.

I didn’t make a claim, not get some proof and stop avoiding the damn question already.

Don’t make claims if you can’t be bothered to back them up

okay, you want an answer?

the void can litteraly consume entire planets. Point given.

And you argue like ren, btw :wink: so if you are ren, please, stay on your main.

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Again proof that it can consume the blight. Still waiting

okay, now, i´m sure you are ren, The same kind of arguing behavior.

So, stop wasting my time. :wink:

Still waiting

hell, it is said that the goal of the void is…to CONSUME EVERYTHING in EXISTENCE. Everything in existence include the blight.

Still waiting, you’ll provide it sooner or later